Monday, April 30, 2007

Food Habits

  • Tips For a Healthy Diet:
    Eating well does not always mean eating healthy. At the same time, don't go on a starvation diet in your effort to get that hour-glass figure. Because, with your eating habits, you are setting an example for your child.
  • Eat With Discretion For A Healthy You:
    Is fat in or out? This is the question that haunts adults. Then they started thinking along the same lines for babies too. Fat babies were considered healthy babies. Then suddenly, chubby babies were no longer cute and the fear of weight problems appeared. Now what is finally correct? Cool down, a fat baby is not predictive of a fat adult. However, there are many good food habits to start with children to ensure a healthier lifestyle.
  • Children And Obesity:
    In the past two decades, obesity among 6 to 11-year-old children has increased 54%! However, overweight infants and children are not doomed to have weight problems as adults. Deprivation does not mean minimization of problems. It will only make the child crave for more food. In other words, they need the nourishment and no growing child should ever be put on a weight reduction diet without their doctor's supervision. Allowing children to choose from a wide selection of nutritious foods will help them establish good habits.
  • Food For Thought:
    To avoid obesity, plan snacks and time to have meals. Children allowed to graze between meals consume poor, high calorie diets. Four prime reasons for weight gain are: Irregular meals, too much intake of fat, untimely meals and lack of regular exercise. Small tablespoon servings are adequate for little ones but they will take more with increasing age. Their appetites will fluctuate daily. Desserts and sweets should not be used too much. By forcing children to finish their meal before dessert, you may force them to overeat. Set a good example by eating a wide variety of foods and providing a pleasant eating environment.
  • Eat Slowly, Enjoy Your Food:
    Slow eating is always healthy eating. It is advisable not to watch TV while eating. Set and example by stating to your child that healthy eating is respected and good for the child's health.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Being Vegetarian

Vegetarians have lower rates of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. A study of nearly 2,000 vegetarians and part-time vegetarians conducted by German cancer researchers found eating little or no meat cut death rates from heart and circulatory disease in half and deaths from cancer by 25 to 50 percent. Vegetarians are also less likely to have gallstones, kidney stones and constipation and they weigh less on average. Calorofic values

Their should be variety in your diet, Select an array of foods to make sure you get all the nutrients you need. Eat these foods frequently for:

  • Protein:
    Good choices are soy products such as tofu or soy meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
  • Calcium:
    Non- or low-fat milk and milk products are calcium rich. If you're a vegan, nondairy sources for calcium include leafy, dark green vegetables, legumes, fortified soy milk and tofu (processed with calcium sulfate). Women need at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium each day.
  • Iron:
    Enriched cereals and whole grain products, leafy, dark green vegetables, legumes and prune juice are a good place to start. Increase iron absorption by eating vitamin C-rich foods such as tomatoes or by cooking in iron pans.
  • Zinc:
    Try whole grains, soy products, nuts and wheat germ.
Vitamin B-12 Eat dairy products and eggs. Vegans can get B-12 from some enriched cereals, soy products, nutritional yeast or by taking a supplement.

Home Tips during pregnancy

  • Raspberry leaf tea is a good tonic for general health during pregnancy. Among other benefits, it may help to prevent morning sickness and miscarriages. Drink 1 to 2 cups of the tea per day. For each cup, add boiling water to 1 teaspoon of the leaves. Steep for 20 minutes.

  • Nettle leaf tea is rich in minerals. Drink it particularly during the last month of pregnancy. Prepare it in the same way as Raspberry Leaf tea.

  • Ginger Root – in a capsule form or as a tea. This may help reduce morning sickness. To make a tea, grate 1 teaspoon of the root and simmer in a cup of water. Drink as needed – up to 4 cups a day. Or take 2 capsules 3 times a day.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nanoparticles may increase cancer risk

Nanoparticles - currently in use in electronics, cosmetics and chemical manufacturing, among other industries - could damage DNA and lead to cancer, says a new study.

A nanoparticle is a microscopic particle - the size of one-thousandth the thickness of a single strand of human hair. Nanoparticle research is currently an area of intense scientific research, due to a wide variety of potential applications in biomedical, optical and electronic fields.

Very little is known about how they behave in the environment or how they interact with and affect humans. But research at the University of Massachusetts found that nanoparticles are small enough to penetrate cell membranes and defences and interfere with normal cell processes, reported the health portal Medical News Today.

They can be difficult to isolate from the larger environment, as they are much too small for removal by conventional filtering techniques, said scientists in their research presented at an annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research this year.

Unfortunately, only a very small portion of research on nanoparticles is focused on health and safety risks, or on threats to the environment, according to Sara Pacheco, one of the researchers.

Pacheco said: 'I am concerned because so many new nanoparticles are being developed and there is little regulation on their manufacture, use and disposal.'

'Until we understand which types of nanoparticles are harmless and which have the potential to be harmful, I think it is prudent to limit their introduction into the environment.'

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains genetic instructions for the development and functioning of living organisms.

Drinking tea could protect your skin

Drinking at least two cups of tea daily can protect you from developing skin cancer, says a new study, but scientists call for more research to strengthen the findings.

Tea's disease-fighting properties appear to protect the body against Squamous cell carcinomas and Basal cell carcinomas - most common forms of skin cancers usually caused by too much exposure to the sun's rays - that grow slowly over a period of months or even years, the researchers say.

Squamous cell carcinomas normally appear on the face and turn into an ulcer-like growth that doesn't heal.

Basal cell carcinomas normally show up as a painless lump that gradually expands in size. Although they do not normally spread through the body, they still need be removed through surgery.

In the latest study, carried out at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire in the US, the scientists analysed over 1,400 patients aged between 25 and 74 years with one of the two types of tumour, reported the online edition of Daily Mail.

They compared their diet, drinking habits and lifestyle with a similar group who did not have cancer.

They found that regular tea drinkers were 65 percent less likely to have squamous cell carcinoma and almost 80 percent less at risk of a basal cell carcinoma. The biggest benefits were seen among long-term drinkers, especially those who downed several cups a day for more than 40 years.

Judy Rees, who led the research, said: 'The constituents of tea have been investigated for their activity against a variety of diseases and cancers. But the most potent appear to be polyphenols.'

These are antioxidants that block the damaging effects in the body of molecules known as free radicals.

But she stressed more research was needed to confirm it is the tea and not some other lifestyle factor which is protecting against the illness.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Abortion doesn't boost breast cancer risk, large study finds

An abortion or a miscarriage does not increase a woman's risk of breast cancer, according to results released Monday from a decade-long study of more than 100,000 women.

The findings are the latest, and perhaps most convincing, in a series of studies that have discredited a concern cited by antiabortion activists to dissuade women from having the procedure.

"It's important for women to have the facts," said Karin B. Michels of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Michels is lead author of the study.

She said her group's study was "very much in line" with a 2003 expert panel convened by the National Cancer Institute that concluded no evidence supported a link between abortion and breast cancer. The institute funded Michels' study as well.

Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, took issue with the findings. Her group uses the purported link as an argument against abortion.

"Clearly [the cancer institute] must suspect a link, or else they know that a link really exists," Malec said. "Why else would they continue to pay for these studies?"

Texas, Minnesota and Mississippi require physicians to warn women seeking an abortion about the supposed cancer risk. Several other states considered similar laws but rejected them in light of the 2003 consensus report.

The new results, reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine, are from an arm of the Nurses' Health Study that involved 105,716 women.

Beginning in 1993, Michels and her colleagues biennially questioned the women — who were ages 29 to 46 in 1993 — about abortions, miscarriages and breast cancer.

They found that through 2003, a total of 16,118 had had at least one induced abortion and 21,753 had had at least one spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). The team found 1,458 new cases of breast cancer — an incidence that was the same among women who had had an abortion (induced or spontaneous) and those who had not.

The design of the study, Michels said, was much more reliable than previous studies, which started with women who'd had breast cancer and asked them if they had undergone an abortion. Such studies introduce "recall bias," she said, because women with breast cancer are more likely to acknowledge an abortion, thinking it might be related to their condition. Read more..

Source : Latimes

Stomach Problems


Thread worms: If you notice your child scratching her bottom, examine her stools for thread-like worms. Thread worms are the most common infecting worms. The female crawls through the anus and lays her eggs in the surrounding skin. When your child scratches her bottom, the eggs may get under her nails and are ingested again when she puts her hands into her mouth.

Your doctor will prescribe a single-dose treatment that will destroy both the worms and the eggs. Since worms are highly infectious, all members of the family should take the anti-worm treatment. Repeat the dose after a fortnight. Make sure that you keep your child's nails short and ensure that she washes her hands after she goes to the bathroom.

Toxocara: Dogs and cats are carriers of this roundworm. Your child is most likely to get infected when she plays in areas where animals may have defecated. These worms are usually ingested by the child when she puts her dirty hands into her mouth. The worms enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall and travel to the lungs. They are coughed up, swallowed, and then they continue to develop in the intestines. There are usually no symptoms. However, if your child has more than one worm, it may result in abdominal pain and a loss of appetite.


The key to a healthy pregnancy for a woman with diabetes is tight blood sugar control both before she is pregnant and during the pregnancy. To do this, you need a diabetes treatment plan that keeps meals, exercise and Insulin in balance. You will also need to check your blood sugar often and keep a record of your test results.

With your blood sugar near-normal and good medical care, the chances of a trouble-free pregnancy and a healthy baby is as good as for a woman without diabetes.

To begin with :- Work to bring your diabetes under control before getting pregnant. It is a good idea to be in good blood sugar control three to six months before you plan to get pregnant.

Care during the months of pregnancy :-
1. Check your blood sugar levels at the times your doctor advises; this may be upto 8 tests each day and will probably include after-meal tests. Write down the results

2. Keep notes on your meal plan and exercise.

3. Make changes in your meal plan and Insulin only with the advice of your doctor.

4. You will need additionall Insulin during pregnancy and if you are on oral medications for Type 2 diabetes your doctor will switch you over to Insulin during pregnancy.

5. During pregnancy you and your doctor may need to change your meal plan to avoid problems with high or low blood sugar levels.

6. Discuss your exercise plans with your doctor. Ask the doctor whether you can keep your current exercise program or is it safe to start exercise after you are pregnant. In general it is not advisable to start a new strenuous exercise program after you become pregnant.

7. Good exercises are walking, low-impact aerobics, swimming, or water aerobics.

8. Generally home births are not advised for women with diabetes.

After Delivery :- To take good care of your baby you need to take good care of yourself. Stick to your habits that helped you have excellent blood sugar control during pregnancy.

1. Plan to have a snack before nursing.

2. Drink enough fluids.

3. Keep something to treat low blood sugar levels during nursing.

4. Ask your doctor for a good meal plan.


Q: Will my baby have diabetes?

A: The risk is very small with the incidence matching that of non-diabetic women.

Q: Will my baby be deformed?

A: If diabetes is under good control the risk is equal to the non-diabetic mothers. In the some cases the baby's weight will be slightly more than normal.

Q: Will I have a normal delivery?

A: Yes. That's the ultimate goal. However you may be admitted a couple of weeks before delivery.

Q: Can I breastfeed?

A: Yes, just like any non-diabetic woman.

REMEMBER : Consult your doctor while planning as well as during pregnancy, Don't wait!

Taking Care of Feet for Diabetic Patient

Some important facts : one of the most common sites of nerve damage in the diabetic person is the foot. The condition could be painful or conversely, a person may not feel pain even when he steps on a piece of glass. If untreated, this condition could lead to ulcers, gangrene and sometimes loss of fee. It is therefore important to examine your feet every day for signs of injury.

What to look for :

1. Any abnormal sensation in the feet. For example, a burning sensation.

2. Severe pain in the leg similar to knife injury, worse by-night and often relieved by walking.

3. Dr, scaly or cracked skin.

4. Any new growth on the feet.

5. Soreness and redness of the foot.

6. Changes in the shape of the foot.

7. Ulcers and pus formation.

(If you notice any of these, ask your doctor about treating them).

How to take care :

1. Keep feet clean, warm and dry.

2. Wash feet daily with warm water.

3. Use a mild soap and rinse well.

4. Dry feet thoroughly, particulary between the toes.

5. Powder feet and shoes every day.

6. Wear comfortablem, well-fitting leather shoes.

7. Wear fresh socks every day.

8. Avoid using sandals with toegrips.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Herbal Recipes for Skin Disorders

Home Made Herbal Recipes for Skin Disorders with CORIANDER + CUMIN + POMEGRANATE + ROSE

Coriander seeds, pulverised 11 g
Cumin seeds, pulverised 11 g
Pomegranate root, pulverised 11 g
Rose root, pulverised 11 g
Water 1 cup

Soak the herbs overnight in the water. Strain and drink in the morning
after sweetening it with a little sugar.

Preparation time: 8-10 hours.

Dosage: 1 cup in the morning.

Herbal Recipes for Asthma ( EUCALYPTUS )

Home Made Herbal Recipes for Asthma with EUCALYPTUS

Leaves, ground 2 g
Boiling water 2 cups

Put the ground eucalyptus leaves in a suitable container and pour the boiling
water over them. Cover the container and let the mixture stand for 5-20
minutes, depending on the strength of the tea desired. Strain and drink at
room temperature.

Preparation time: 5-20 minutes.

Dosage: 1 cup, twice a day.

Cough Syrup

1 ounce fresh horehound herb
2 ounces water
1 tablespoon powdered slippery elm
1 to 2 ounces honey

Add horehound to the water. Boil down to one ounce of liquid. Strain and mix into the slippery elm and honey. Take no more than 2 tablespoons every two hours, and only use for a few days.

To relieve sore throat and clear congestion

Home Remedies for gums

Home Remedies for gums

(to keep gums in good shape)

2 tablespoons baking soda
Small amount of hydrogen peroxide

* Substitute Epsom salt if you have high blood pressure.

Mix baking soda (or Epsom salt) and hydrogen peroxide to form a thick paste. With your finger, massage into the spaces between the teeth and in front and back of gums. Rinse mouth repeatedly with warm water.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ayurveda for Thyroid Disease

Metabolism : is a series of complex processes by which the human body converts food, water, and oxygen into tissue, energy, and waste products. It is a continuous process and goes on in every cell of the body. It comprises the breaking down of substances into simpler parts, and their shuffling and recombination into countless new substances that compose the body. For example, the carbohydrates are broken down by enzymes and acids and converted into pure sugar or glucose.

The constructive chemical and physical process by which food materials are adapted for the use of the body is known as anabolism; and the destructive process by which energy is produced with the breaking down of tissues into waste products is called catabolism. The two processes together are called metabolism. Read more.....

THYROID Disorders in Clinical Practice

Thyroid disorders are commonly encountered in clinical practice. Thyroid gland produces two hormones, Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3). in general, thyroid disorders are manifested as a state of less hormone porduction (hyothyroidism), more hormone production (hyperthyroidism) or swelling of the gland itseld. Hypothyroidism is easily diagnosed once suspected by hormone disease is the commonest, followed by toxic multinodular goitre and toxic adenoma. It is important to rule out thyroiditis by doing an isotope study of thyroid, isotope uptake of the gland will be low in thyroiditis and high in hyperthyroidism. The treatment mobalities in hyperthyroidism are antithyroid drugs, radio-active iodine or surgery. Choice of treatment depends upon the underlying cause, the preference of physician, the preference of patient, cost, availability of infrastructure, and availability of skilled surgeon.

There are clinical situatuions where thyroid hormones in the circulation are within normal range, but gland is enlarged ex: diffuse goitre, multinodular goitre, single thyroid nodule. single thyroid nodule. Single thyroid nodule deserves attention for its association with malignancy. FNAC by and experienced cytologist is of great help to rule out malignany. Once suspected, a differentiated carcinoma of thyroid calls for total thyroidectomy, followed by radio-iodine ablation, so that no thyroid tissue remains in the thyroid bed. This will facilitate to diagnose recurence of tumour by estimation thyroglobulin in circulation during the follow-up period. Fortunately most of the thyroid disorders including differentiated carcinoma of thyroid, are curable if managed properly.

Auto-immunity plays a major role in the aetiopathogenesis of thyroid disorders whether it is hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. However, iodine deficiency is still recognised as the commonest environmental factor keeping a large population at risk across the globe in spite of global effort to overcome the iodine deficiency. No continent is totally free of iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency disorders include still birth, congenital malformation, deaf-mutism, cretinism, goitre and hypothyroidism in scholl going children and in adults. Physicians of India have a great task to overcome the illiteracy and misconception of the people towards iodised salt intake, and facilitate the governments effort for compulsory use of iodised salt by all.

Herbs and Essential Oils for Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream is chronically higher than normal. Diabetics are two to four times more likely than non-diabetics to die from stroke or heart disease. Diabetes may also lead to blindness, kidney disease, nerve disease, amputation, and impotence. It is responsible for over 180,000 deaths each

Diabetes causes rampant damage to the arteries and veins due to an accumulation of glucose in the blood. This accumulation sets an enzyme called PKC into overdrive. In addition to giving signals to the genes and causing cells to grow and divide fast, PKC also starts a chain reaction that reduces the elasticity of the veins and arteries. The consequently hardened arteries are very prone to breaking. Blockage of these arteries results in reduced blood flow to vital organs which could lead to conditions such as gangrene and blindness. Blockage of larger arteries leads to heart disease and stroke.

The complications of diabetes from heart disease and stroke to diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and damage of the nerves, have all been linked in some way to the formation of free radicals. Studies show that omega three and omega six fatty acids neutralize free radicals, and provide the additional nutrition so desperately needed by diabetics. One way of obtaining these required nutrients is to harness the power of nature and nourish the body with medicinal plants.

The Purslane Herb

Purslane, or portulaca as it is also known, is an herbaceous garden weed with fleshy succulent leaves. Purslane is one of the richest sources of fatty acids known in nature. It is also full of nutrients that can help manage diabetes. The main components of Purslane are tocopherals which are known to be strong antioxidants. It also contains vitamins C, A and E and minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silicon and phosphorus. A regular intake of Purslane in the form of salads should be an integral part in the management of diabetes.

Purslane is also an anti-inflammatory, demulcent, antibiotic, and anti-parasitic. It is regularly used in cosmetology due to its soothing properties. This property of Purslane can also be utilized in the treatment of the skin conditions, such as boils and sores, associated with diabetes.

Purslane is also used internally to deal with the symptoms of toxic dysentery, boils, sores, vaginal discharges, and urinary tract infections.

Essential oils and diabetes

Although essential oils cannot claim to cure diabetes, they can be used to reduce the side effects of diabetes related ailments such as ulcers, loss of skin integrity, and skin infections. The use of essential oils can reduce inflammation, encourage cell regeneration, and eliminate infection. Some of the common essential oils that may be used are Palma Rosa, Rosemary, Juniper, Lavender, Tea-tree, and Peppermint.

Essential oils can also alleviate the stress of coping with a chronic condition such as diabetes and ease the burden of living with such a debilitating disease. Aromatherapy is a known antidote for relieving stress. Some of the essential oils that can be used for reducing stress are lavender, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Lemon, Bergamot, Neroli and Germanium.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Sinusitis is an infection of one or more of the sinus cavities, often caused by bacteria or an allergy. The sinuses are air pockets in the forehead and in the area surrounding the eyes and nose that function to filter and warm the air we breathe. When infected, the lining of the sinus cavity becomes swollen, causing a build up of fluid or mucus. This build up is responsible for symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, headache, pain and sinus pressure, which your child may be experiencing. Read More.....

Ear Problems

If your child has fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite for no apparent reason and is tugging at her ear, she probably has an ear infection.

Otitis media or inflammation of the middle ear is a very common childhood ailment. A baby spends most of her time lying down. This gives ample opportunity for bacteria to travel from her nose and throat to the ear. Consequently, the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tubes (that link the middle ear to the back of the throat) become blocked and inflamed, trapping the bacteria in the middle ear where they multiply.

If you suspect that your baby has an ear infection, call the doctor. Never put anything in your baby's ear or apply hot compresses to the outside of the ear. Leave the treatment to the doctor. He will probably prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection and nose drops to treat the blockage in the Eustachian tubes.

If your child has fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite for no apparent reason and is tugging at her ear, she probably has an ear infection.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Some Important facts : Very low blood sugar levels can be more of an immediate health risk than high blood sugar levels. This is generally caused by skipped food, excessive physical activity or some drugs like painkillers, in diabetic persons taking insulin or oral antidiabetic drugs.

Some Symptoms of very low blood Sugar (HYPOGLYCAEMIA) :

1. Excessive Hunger
2. Increased Sweating
3. Trembling
4. Faintness
5. Weakness
6. Rapid Heart rate
7. Tingling Lips.
8. Blurred or double vision
9. Headache.
10.Abnormal behaviour
11.Indifferent work performance

How to deal with it ?

The treatment is to raise the blood sugar level immediately. You can do this by consuming three to four spoons of powdered sugar. Always keep in your shirt pocket or handbag three to four spoons of powdered sugar in an airtight plastic pouch for such an emergency. (If prompt corrective measures are not taken, in severve cases, low blood sugar can result in unconsciousness).


Some known facts:

1. short bursts of physical activity only burn up glucose. To get rid of fat you need to exercise for atleast 30 minutes every day, about four times a week.

2. Exercise causes imporvement in insulin action leading to better control of diabetes.

Wram up phase (5Minutes)

1. Reach Stretcher: stand erect with feet 12 inches apart. Raise and stretch your arms upwards. Count ten and bring your arms down. (Repeat three times).

2. Neck Roller: Tuck chin in towards chest. Slowly turn head to left, pointing chin up and roll your head until you make a circle. Do three circles on each side.

3. Toe Toucher: Stand straight with feet 12 inches apart. Slowly bend over, keeping knees slightly bent. Stretch down. Hold down for ten counts. Rise slowly and repeat three times. (Before attempting this exercise, consult your doctor if you have a back problem).

Cardiovascular Phase (20 Minutes):

Start by walking about 1 km in 20 minutes. Your pace should go up to about 2 kms in 20 minutes in about two months. Maintain this pace.

Some tips on walking: Wear a comfortable pair of shoes. Maintain your head and chest erect. Let your arms swing freely from shoulders. Let your legs swing freely from your hips. Find indoor locations for rainy seasons. Contact your doctor if you develope leg cramps.

Alternatives to walking in cardiovascular phase (for a minimum of 20 minutes):

1. Tennis or Badminton

2. Cycling: Aim for a speed of 15kmph at the end of two months.

3. Jogging: Aim for a speed of 10kmph at the end of two months.

Cool Down phase (5 minutes): Reduce the pace of your activity. You could repeat the exercise of the arm up phase.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What Are Thyroid Problems?

Through the hormones it produces, the thyroid gland influences almost all of the metabolic processes in your body. Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer. The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Too much of these vital body chemicals results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism. Insufficient hormone production leads to hypothyroidism.

Although the effects can be unpleasant or uncomfortable, most thyroid problems can be managed well if properly diagnosed and treated.

What Causes Them?

All types of hyperthyroidism are due to an overproduction of thyroid hormones, but the condition can occur in several ways: In Graves' disease, the release of excess hormones is triggered by an autoimmune disorder. For some unknown reason, the body attacks the thyroid, causing it to spill out too much hormone. At other times, nodules called toxic adenomas develop in the thyroid gland and begin to secrete thyroid hormones, upsetting the body's chemical balance; some goiters may contain several of these nodules. In subacute thyroiditis, inflammation of the thyroid causes the gland to "leak" excess hormones, resulting in temporary hyperthyroidism that generally lasts a few weeks but may persist for months. Although rare, hyperthyroidism can also develop from pituitary gland malfunctions or from cancerous growths in the thyroid gland.

Hypothyroidism, by contrast, stems from an underproduction of thyroid hormones. Since your body's energy production requires certain amounts of thyroid hormones, a drop in hormone production leads to lower energy levels. A common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks thyroid tissue. The tissue eventually dies and stops producing hormones.

Hypothyroidism can also result when the thyroid gland has been surgically removed or chemically destroyed as treatment for hyperthyroidism. If you are exposed to excessive amounts of iodide -- perhaps from a hidden source such as cold and sinus medicines, the heart medicine amiodarone or from certain contrast dyes given before some x-rays -- you may be at greater risk for developing hypothyroidism, especially if you have had thyroid problems in the past. The drug lithium has also been linked as a cause of hypothyroidism. Untreated for long periods of time, hypothyroidism can bring on a myxedema coma, a rare but potentially fatal condition that requires immediate hormone injections.

Hypothyroidism poses a special danger to newborns and infants. A lack of thyroid hormones in the system at an early age can lead to the development of cretinism (mental retardation) and dwarfism (stunted growth). Most infants now have their thyroid levels checked routinely soon after birth. If they are hypothyroid, treatment begins immediately. In infants, as in adults, hypothyroidism can be due to a pituitary disorder, a defective thyroid, or lack of the gland entirely. A hypothyroid infant is unusually inactive and quiet, has a poor appetite and sleeps for excessively long periods of time.

Cancer of the thyroid gland is quite rare and occurs in less than 10% of thyroid nodules. You might have one or more thyroid nodules for several years before they are determined to be cancerous. People who have received radiation treatment to the head and neck earlier in life, possibly as a remedy for acne, tend to have a higher-than-normal propensity for thyroid cancer.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

FDA Approves First Bird Flu Vaccine

A bird flu vaccine won federal approval for the first time Tuesday as a stopgap measure against a potential pandemic until more effective vaccines can be developed.

The vaccine is the first to win Food and Drug Administration approval for use in protecting humans against the H5N1 influenza virus. It would be used if the strain mutated into a form that spread easily from person to person, sparking a pandemic.

The Sanofi Aventis SA vaccine already is being stockpiled for use in an outbreak of bird flu. It will not be commercially available. Approval came on the recommendation of FDA advisers, who in February said the vaccine would be better than nothing.


What is meditation?

Meditation is really just a way of systematically tuning out mental chatter. We all meditate from time to time, but the term itself is usually used to describe an exercise in sustained concentration that you can use to calm your body and quiet your mind--in short, to reduce stress. Historically, meditation has roots in both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, but you don't have to be Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, or religious at all to practice it.

How does it work?

Researchers say that meditation works at least in part by lowering your body's responsiveness to the stress hormone norepinephrine. Normally, stress triggers the release of these hormones, which in turn causes your heart rate and blood pressure to rise (the "fight or flight" response). But meditation interrupts that flood of stress chemicals, so you don't feel on guard or tense. In short, when you meditate regularly, you're able to control your body's reaction to stress instead of it controlling you.

What are the health benefits?

Research shows that meditation can help ease a host of stress-related problems, including chronic pain, headaches, anxiety, PMS, sleep disorders, even infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation). In a study on anxiety at the University of Massachusetts, for example, 20 out of 22 anxiety-prone volunteers showed marked improvement after taking an eight-week class in meditation. And in a study on headaches, 72 percent of headache sufferers reported "moderate to great" improvement after learning how to meditate.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Making a Diagnosis for Hyperthyrodism


If your doctor suspects you may have hyperthyroidism due to Graves'disease, he or she will probably investigate the following:

Your Personal and Family :

Health History : Thyroid disorders can often be hereditary. If your have a family member, like your mother or father, an aunt or uncle, or your brother or sister, who has a thyroid disorder (especially if it is autoimmune), your chance of developing one may be higher.

Your Likelihood of Developing Graves'Disease

Some individuals are more likely than other to develop Graves'disease. You are at an increased risk if you:

01. Are woman, 30 years or older.

02. Are pregnant or have given birth in the last 6 months*

03. Have other autoimmune conditions, such as :

(a) Addison's disease

(b) Type 1 diabetes

(c) Pernicious anemia

(d) Rheumatoid arthritis

(e) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE OR lupus)

*Note : If you've had a baby in the past 6 months, your may be at a higher risk for developing hyperthyroidism due to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Your Physical Condition

(1) Your doctor will probably give you a physical exam to look for the sings and symptoms of hyperthyroidism due to Grave's disease

(2) In particular, there is one very reliable sign that your doctor will look for: enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is called a goiter. A goiter is a common physical sign of thyroid disorder. Your doctor will examine your neck, pressing on, or palpating, the area where your thyroid is located in order to determine if a goiter is present. Your doctor will also examine your thyroid gland to determine if there are thyroid nodules present. Thyroid nodules are lumps in the thyroid gland that can result in too much thyroid hormone in your bloodstream. Sometimes, but very rarely, nodules can be cancerous.

(3) In addition, your weight, blood presure, and pulse will be measured.

(4) Your doctor may examine your eyes, skin, heart, and nervous system, as well. All of these systems are affected by hyperthyroidism.

Your Laboratory Results

Your doctor will likely order blood tests to find out how your thyroid gland is functioning. The best single test is the TSH test. If your TSH level is lower than normal, it is very likely that you have hyperthyroidism. Your doctor will probably measure your thyroid hormone levels as well, in order to determine the severity of your Hyperthyroidism. If your TSH level is low and your thyroid hormone levels are normal, you may have a mild form of hyperthyroidism, called subclinical hyperthyroidism.


Goitre ( Home remidies)

Goitre Treatment: Home Remedies

Goitre treatment using Iodine : Iodine is, undoubtedly, most helpful in many cases, but it should be given in its organic form. All foods containing iodine should be taken liberally. These are lettuce, turnips, carrots, garlic, onions, oats, pineapples, whole rice, tomatoes, watercress, strawberries, guavas, citrus fruits, egg yolks, and sea foods.

Goitre treatment using Watercress : Goitre can be treated with Watercress which is one of the best sources of the element iodine. It is valuable in correcting the functioning of the thyroid gland. Its regular use, therefore, is highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of goitre. A paste made of this vegetable can also be applied beneficially over the affected parts. It helps to reduce swelling.

Goitre treatment using Swamp Cabbage : Expothalmic goitre can be treated using the leaves of swamp cabbage. A teaspoon of the juice with tea almonds should be given once or twice daily as a medicine. The leaves are also useful in myxodema, a condition that result\'s from lack of thyroid hormones

Goitre treatment using Kachnar : Kachnar, botanically known as Bauhinia variegata, has been used as a folk medicine for treatment of goitre in India. About 30 ml of the decoction of the bark should be given twice a day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Goitre treatment using Dandelion : Dandelion, has been found valuable in treating goitre. The leaves of this salad vegetable should be smeared with ghee, warmed and bandaged over the swollen parts for about two weeks. Any existing discomfort will be relieved by this remedy.
Goitre treatment using FlexThe seeds of flex are also useful in reducing swellings in goitre. The seeds should be ground in water, heated and applied over the affected parts. The leaves of the tree should then be bandaged over them.

Diet for Goitre

Fruit juices : To begin with, the patient should take juices of fruits such as oranges, apples, pineapples, and grapes every two or three hours for five days.

Fruits and Milk Diet : After the juice fast, the patient may spend the next three days on fruits and milk, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits with a glass of milk, at five hourly intervals.

Food to avoid during Goitre : Certain foods and fluids are extremely injurious for goitre patients and should be avoided by them. These include white flour products, white sugar, flesh foods, fried or greasy foods, preserves, condiments, tea, coffee, and alcohol.

Other Goitre Treatment

Rest and bowel cleansing with lukewarm water : For the first five days of the treatment the bowels should be cleansed daily with lukewarm water. The patient should take plenty of rest and spend a day in bed every week for the first two months of the treatment. More and more physical exercise should be taken after the symptoms subside


What is a goitre?

A goitre is an enlarged thyroid gland. A goitre can mean that all the thyroid gland is swollen or enlarged, or one or more swellings or lumps develop in part or parts of the thyroid.

The thyroid gland is in the lower part of the front of the neck. It lies just in front of the trachea (windpipe). It has a right and left lobe which are connected together by a narrower band of thyroid tissue. (It is roughly the shape of a butterfly.) You cannot usually see or feel a normal thyroid gland. If the thyroid enlarges it causes a swelling in the neck which you can see - a goitre.

The thyroid gland makes thyroid hormones - called thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These are carried round the body in the bloodstream. Thyroxine and T3 help to keep the body's functions (the metabolism) working at the correct pace. Many cells and tissues in the body need thyroxine and T3 to keep them working correctly.

There are different types of goitre, each with various causes

Diffuse smooth goitre : This means that the entire thyroid gland is larger than normal. The thyroid feels smooth but large. There are a number of causes. For example:

(1) Graves disease - an auto-immune disease which causes the thyroid to swell and make too much thyroxine. (See separate leaflet called hyperthyroidism.)

(2) Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid) - which can be due to various causes. For example a viral infection can cause 'viral thyroiditis'.

(3) Iodine deficiency. The thyroid gland needs iodine to make thyroxine and T3. If you lack iodine in your diet the thyroid swells as it tries to make enough thyroxine and T3.

(4) Certain medicines can cause the thyroid to swell as a side-effect. For example, lithium.

(5) Hereditary factors - some people inherit a tendency for a thyroid to swell. In particular it may swell at times of life when you may make more thyroxine and T3 such as when you are pregnant, or during puberty.

(6) Various other problems with making thyroxine or T3 may cause the thyroid to swell
Nodular goitres : A thyroid nodule is a small lump which develops in the thyroid. There are two types.

(1) A multinodular goitre. This means the thyroid gland has developed many lumps or 'nodules'. The thyroid gland feels generally lumpy.

(2) A single nodule. Causes include:

* a cyst (a fluid-filled benign tumour).
* an adenoma (a solid benign tumour).
* a cancerous tumour (rare).
* other rare causes.

Goitres and thyroid function (production of thyroid hormones)

(a) In many cases, a goitre does not affect the amount of thyroxine or T3 that you make. You are then 'euthyroid' which means you make the correct amount of these hormones.

(b) In some cases, the goitre is associated with an abnormality of thyroid function. You may make too much thyroxine or T3 (hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid) or too little thyroxine or T3 (hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid). See separate leaflets about these conditions.

Note: you can also develop an overactive or underactive thyroid without having a goitre.

What are the symptoms of a goitre

01. In many cases there are no symptoms apart from the appearance of a swelling in the neck. The size of a goitre can range from very small and barely noticeable, to very large.

02. Most goitres are painless. An inflamed thyroid (thyroiditis) can be painful.

03. If your thyroid makes too much or too little thyroxine or T3, this can cause a range of symptoms. See separate leaflets.

04. A large goitre may press on the trachea (windpipe) or even the oesophagus (gullet) behind the trachea. This may cause difficulty with breathing or swallowing.

Assessing the situation

When you have a goitre a doctor will usually do some blood tests to check if you are making too much or too little thyroxine or T3. Blood tests may also help to find out the cause of some goitres. Other tests may be done to find out the cause of the goitre. For example:

01. An ultrasound scan of the thyroid. This may be done if you have a single nodule. An ultrasound scan is a safe and painless test which uses sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside your body. It can tell if a nodule is a cyst or a solid lump.

02. A small piece of tissue (a biopsy) may be taken from a nodule to look at under the microscope. The biopsy is done by pushing a fine needle into the nodule (a bit like taking a blood sample but the needle is smaller). It is a simple and safe procedure

03. A radioactive iodine scan or similar test. This may be done to see if any nodules are making too much thyroxine or T3. (The radioiodine concentrates in tissue that makes thyroid hormones.) See separate leaflet called 'Radionuclide (Isotope) Scan'.

What is the treatment for a goitre?

Treatment depends on the cause, the size of the goitre, and whether it is causing symptoms. For example:

a. If you have a small goitre that is not due to a cancerous nodule, and your thyroid is making the correct amount of thyroxine and T3, then you may not need any treatment

b. You will need treatment if you make too much or too little thyroxine or T3

c. An operation to remove some or all of the thyroid may be an option in some cases.

d. Radioactive iodine treatment may be an option for a goitre causing an overactive thyroid. This involves taking a drink, or swallowing a capsule, which contains radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine builds up in the thyroid gland. As the radioactivity is concentrated in the thyroid gland, it destroys some thyroid tissue

e. If you have cancer of the thyroid, you will probably need surgery.

f. Iodine replacement, if the goitre is due to lack of iodine in the diet.

Monday, April 16, 2007


HYPERTHYROIDISM : If your thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, your may have condition known as Hyperthyroidism. If you are Hyperthyroid, your also have a low level of TSH in your blood because your pituitary has decreased its TSH signals to your thyroid gland. Having too much thyroid hormone causes your body to spee up, resulting in nervousness, fast heartbeat, and unexplined weight loss, among other symptoms.

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF HYPERTHYROIDISM : When hyperthyroidism develops, a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid) is usually present and may be associated with some or many of the following symptom :

01. Fast heart rate, usually more than 100 beats per minute.

02. Nervousness, anxiety, or an irritable and quarrelsome feeling.

03. Trembling hands.

04. Sweating.

05. Weight loss, despite eating more than usual.

06. Intolerance of warm temperatures and increased likelihood to perspire.

07. Hair loss.

08. Muscle weakness, especially of he upper arms and thighs.

09. Loose and frequent bowel movements.

10. Infrequent and light menstrual flow.

11. Prominent "Stare" of the eyes.

12. Protrusion of the eyes, with or without double vision (in patients with Graves'disease)

13. Irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation), especially in patients older than 60 years of age.


ASTHMA : Powder the fruit of Peepal and Let it dry in shade. Take 5 grams of Powder with Luke warm water or warm milk.

CATARACT : The use of Garlic is effective home remedy for cataract. Two or three cloves should be eaten raw daily. They should be chewed slowly. Garlic helps to clean the crystalline lens of the eye.

CRACKLING OF BONES : Each time when you hear your bones crackling while you sit or stand ponder since it is a sign of bone degeneration. To avoid this take muli (raddish) juice. Grate muli and squeeze to extract juice out of it.

DRY COUGH : Lady fingers are highly valuable in treating irritation of the throat and a persistent dry cough. This vegetable is rich in mucilage and acts as a drug to allay irritation, swelling and pain. About 100 grams of lady’s fingers should be cut into pieces, and boiled down in half a litre of water to make a decoction. The steam issuing from this decoction may also be inhaled once or twice a day to relieve throat irritation and dry cough.

CHICKEN POX : Baking soda is a popular remedy to control the itching in chicken pox. Some baking soda should be put in a glass of water. The child should be sponged with this water, so that the soda dries on the skin. This will keep the child away from scratching the eruptions.

DANDRUFF : Apply multani mitti with lemon juice on scalp; let it dry and wash with water.

LOSS OF APPETITE : Take luke warm salted lemon water daily before meals for one month. This will increase appetite and improve digestion.

DIARRHEA : In case of watery stools, roast unripe bael (Bilv) directly in fire. Peel it and take half a teaspoon of pulp with water. Take it at least twice a day.

PRICKLY HEAT : Drink daily a glass full of shikanji or lemon water, salt and black pepper. Or else bath with dahi (curd) and for cooling effect take lassi empty stomach in the morning.

HAIR FALL : Boil 100 grams of neem leaves in water, allow to cool and use this for head bath. Neem is an antibiotic it prevents hair fall duet to any scalp infection.

PILES : Decoction of unripe fruit of bael prevents inflammation of piles.

ARTHRITIS : Make a paste of rai and salt and heat it. Place it hot in a cloth and apply on the inflames joint.

SCIATICA : Take 10 grams turmeric with 5 grams castor oil daily for 3 months to relieve pain and nerve inflammation.

CALCIUM DEFICIENCY : If white patches appear on face due to calcium deficiency then add onion in your food and salad. Take a glass of milk twice a day, add paneer to your meal, and eat lots of sprouts and onions and tomatoes.

CONSTIPATION : Sugar cane juice promotes action of intestinal flora and is helpful for those suffering from constipation.

DRY COUGH : Place lemon mixed with black peeper in mouth. Do not chew. This helps in all kinds of throat infections.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Indian border states on alert to thwart avian flu

An outbreak of bird flu in Burma and Bangladesh has prompted India's Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to direct its northeast border states to monitor their areas bordering the two neighbouring countries. Trans-border movement of livestock has been banned.

The Health Ministry directive has been conveyed through the respective veterinary and animal husbandry departments of the states of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram and Meghalaya, government officials in Manipur said on Friday.

"The higher ups in the military, security forces and other concerned departments have been asked to monitor illegal trans-border movement of livestock including, poultry, its products, and pigs from Myanmar into the state" says Th Dorendro, Director, Manipur Veterinary and Animal Husbandry department.

Other government departments like Home, Health, Forest and Wildlife, District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) and Finance have been asked to take active roles in executing the necessary preparatory tasks as precautionary measures to contain the disease.

Manipur Chief Secretary Jarnail Singh had even issued an office memorandum to form a monitoring committee on April 12 where it directed the Finance Department to arrange funds required to control and contain avian influenza in Manipur.

Similarly the State Veterinary Department in Nagaland is undertaking an action plan to prevent and control the disease. The virus is sweeping Bangladesh and Burma.

The department has solicited people's cooperation in conducting sero-surveillance work and other necessary steps to fight the disease in the event of an outbreak in Nagaland.

Authorities have started awareness campaigns at regular intervals by distributing information leaflets and making announcements in the local media. Attention is being given to districts bordering Burma.

"Villagers are advised not to import poultry and pigs from Myanmar as a precautionary measure," a government official said over telephone from Kohima.

However in the case of Meghalaya, Deputy Commissioners' of districts along the border have been instructed to be more vigilant and the Indian Border Security Force has been asked to assist district administrations in preventing smuggling of chicken and poultry products into the state.

According to A Kabir, Deputy Director (Administration), Meghalaya State Health Services, was in constant touch with the national institute of communicable diseases as well as the Union Health Ministry.

"So far no case of the disease has been detected in our region as all the tests results are negative," Dorendra said. A total of 1,472 Avian Sero samples including migratory birds collected in the past couple of months from across the state tested negative in Manipur.

The situation, as of now, does not warrant panic, nonetheless, a ban on import of livestock especially chicken and eggs from Burma through the border town of Moreh has been put in place as a preventive measure against bird flu, Dr Rajendra, a veterinary expert said.

Earlier these samples were sent to an outstation laboratory like High Security Risk Animal Disease Laboratory in Bhopal for necessary tests, but now the doctors are going regularly with the samples by air for immediate test results.

Meanwhile, Meghalaya is on alert in Khasi and Jaintia hills bordering Bangladesh following advice and communication from the Union Health Ministry, New Delhi and Indian High Commission in, Dhaka.

Source :

Death rate from breast cancer falls, more women living longer: Cancer Society

More women with breast cancer are surviving longer than in the past and a significantly smaller proportion are dying from the disease, says the Canadian Cancer Society, which released its latest statistics Wednesday.

A special report in Canadian Cancer Statistics 2007 shows the breast cancer death rate among Canadian women has dropped by 25 per cent in the last two decades and that 86 per cent of women diagnosed with the disease are surviving at least five years. The survival stat excludes Quebec, which collects data differently than other provinces.

"That really makes you stop, that's a startling drop in the death rates for breast cancer," said Heather Logan, director of cancer control policy for the society. "In addition, we're starting to see the (breast cancer) survival rate is one of the best of all of the cancers diagnosed."

There was also some heartening news about cancer incidence and deaths among men. Overall, cancer mortality rates have declined since 1998, primarily because of dwindling death rates for the most common malignancies among males - lung, prostate and colorectal.

"So that's good news," said Logan, citing drops in lung cancer cases in particular. "That means that their risk overall of developing cancer is beginning to decline."

But the same can't be said for women, whose diagnoses and deaths from lung cancer "remain persistently and stubbornly higher because tobacco (use) rates didn't decline until the middle of the 1980s. We're hoping that's going to start coming down soon, but we're not seeing that yet."

But when it comes to breast cancer, depending on age, the rates of new cases are either stable or declining slightly, the report shows. Among women aged 40 to 49, for instance, incidence declined 0.7 per cent per year over the last decade.

A number of factors are thought to be behind the improved statistics, from increased use of mammography screening to better treatments to healthier lifestyles among more women.

"We're diagnosing cancers at an earlier stage because women are being screened," said Logan. "And as you screen women regularly you'll be able to shift the stage of diagnosis, so the breast cancers are being diagnosed at an earlier stage when we can treat them more effectively."

In December, a study suggested U.S. breast cancer rates had plunged an unprecedented seven per cent in 2003, the year after millions of women stopped taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) over fears the pills raise the risk of tumours. The analysis does not prove a link between hormone therapy and breast cancer, but strongly suggests it, many experts said.

It's too early to tell for sure from current Canadian data, but it appears that a drop in the HRT use may also have improved incidence rates in this country, said Logan. But she suggested the better breast cancer numbers have likely arisen from multiple factors.

"The messages that women have been hearing - 'Take charge of your life, be proactive, be informed, get screened' - they're starting to take hold and they're starting to make a difference."

That's a message that has become 57-year-old Jane Hawley's mantra - and she's not shy about repeating it.

The Toronto special education teacher discovered she had breast cancer in January 2003 after her doctor pushed her to get a mammogram, which she had wanted to put off several months to a more convenient time. Within two weeks, she had been diagnosed, had her small lump removed and begun treatment.

"I was extremely lucky," said the married mother of two grown children. "I'm four years clear now."

Hawley tells friends who are reluctant to get a mammogram: "Don't be stupid."

"Definitely go for your yearly physical and your mammogram for sure. For the little bit of inconvenience that it is, it's a lifesaver."

Despite the somewhat rosier picture for breast cancer, the disease continues to take a huge toll on the lives of Canadian women.

This year, an estimated 22,300 will be diagnosed with a breast malignancy, the most commonly diagnosed cancer in females and the second most common cause of cancer death, after lung cancer. By year's end, 5,300 women across the country are expected to die from breast cancer.

Yet Dr. Pam Goodwin, director of the Marvelle Koffler Breast Centre at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital, said the new Cancer Society statistics indicate "real progress" is being made against the disease.

"We're seeing the lowest mortality rates in breast cancer that we've seen since the mid-1950s," Goodwin said Tuesday. "The incidence rates are very, very interesting. Overall, I think we're at the cusp and we're now starting on the decline in incidence rates."

A few more years of data are needed to confirm that this is a trend, she said, "but I think this is a real observation. I think going forward we're going to see those rates overall slowly edge down."

Goodwin said the improved outlook for breast cancer is partly due to better treatments.

"There's been a lot of progress in the last 20 years and it's been step-wise. So we've gone from not giving women any treatment to giving chemotherapy, and more and more effective chemotherapy over time," she said, pointing to the long-used standard, tamoxifen, and newer drugs like Herceptin and the hormone-controlling drugs known as aromatase inhibitors.

"There hasn't been a single breakthrough, but all of these things add together to lower the likelihood that a woman diagnosed with breast cancer will die of breast cancer," she said.

"Breast cancer's not one disease. There's not going to be one advance that is going to eradicate the disease or make it completely curable."

"So it's going to be a series of baby steps that together are going to add up to the big impact."


On the Net:

Canadian Cancer Society:


Some other cancer statistics

(CP) - Here are some other facts from Canadian Cancer Statistics 2007:

-An estimated 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer and 72,700 will die from the disease this year.

-Death rates have declined for all cancers combined and for most types of cancer in both men and women since 1994. Exceptions are lung cancer in women and liver cancer in men.

-Despite largely stable or declining age-standardized rates, the total number of new cancer cases and deaths continue to rise steadily as the Canadian population grows and ages.

-An estimated 39 per cent of Canadian females and 44 per cent of males will develop cancer during their lifetimes.

-Among those diagnosed between 1996 and 1998, the five-year relative survival for all cancers combined was 60 per cent.

-The overall death rate for men has been declining since 1988 due to decreases in mortality rates for lung, prostate, colorectal and other cancers.

-Between 1994 and 2003, the incidence of larynx, lung and stomach cancers among men dropped two per cent or more per year, as did death rates for testicular, Hodgkin's lymphoma, stomach, larynx, prostate, oral, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and lung cancer.

-However, a higher proportion of men developed thyroid and liver cancers and malignant melanoma.

-For women, the overall death rate since 1988 has fallen slightly, while the rate of new cancer cases has been rising steadily (due largely to increasing lung cancer incidence), but may be stabilizing.

-Between 1994 and 2003, the incidence of larynx, stomach and cervical cancers fell by two per cent or more per year, and death rates for the latter two also dropped. However, the rate of new thyroid cancers rose.

Source : mediresource

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Beauty Tricks

hort on time? These instant beauty escapes will have you looking and feeling gorgeous in one minute or less.

Hydrate your face - Apply moisturizer before you get in the shower and leave it on until the end. The steam opens pores so moisturizer penetrates deeper.

Warm away dryness - While showering, place a closed container of body lotion in a sink full of warm water. When you dry off, you'll have a warm treat to massage from head to toe.

Get soft, smooth lips - Apply lip balm several minutes before getting in the bath or shower, then gently scrub lips with a warm washcloth. You'll easily whisk away flakes and dead skin.

Take 10 years off your hands - Treat yourself to a skin-smoothing manicure in seconds. Mix some sugar with a dollop of olive oil and a drop of vanilla; massage into hands and cuticles, then rinse under warm water.

Massage your scalp - Add a few drops of peppermint oil to baby shampoo for a tingly scalp refresher. Bonus: peppermint is a natural astringent that helps keep scalp oils in check.

Deep clean your face - Before washing your face, saturate a washcloth with hot water and apply to face for one minute. The heat opens pores to allow for deeper cleaning and more effective removal of pore-clogging debris. Follow with your regular cleansing routine.

Create baby soft skin - Mix together equal parts salt and body wash or conditioner. Scrub your entire body in the shower, then rinse for the smoothest skin yet.

Soften your tootsies - Close the drain to your shower and add a powdered skin softening foot soak to the bottom of tub. Then, just let your feet soak while you shower as usual.

Here is what you can do to prevent hair fall

Shampoo regularly. Remember a CLEAN scalp is a HEALTHY SCALP.

A high protein diet with plenty of fruits, green vegetables and dairy products is a must.
Drink 10-12 glass of water everyday.

Use a very mild shampoo and condition your hair at least twice a week. When you do, make sure you rinse out the conditioner thoroughly, otherwise residue build-up will cause your hair to look limp and dull. Know your vitamins! IRON is important for healthy hair and brittle, limp hair indicates an iron deficiency. Spinach has a good iron content, so gulp it down!

ZINC helps prevent hair loss and greying. Eat adequate zinc rich foods. Overweight people tend to have zinc deficiency, which is inversely related to the body mass index. Thus if you are overweight and if your hair falls too much, you may want to increase your intake of zinc containing foods. Recipes containing stone ground, wholegrain flour are rich in zinc.
A shortfall in VITAMIN B may cause dandruff, falling hair, loss of colour and could encourage grey hair. So B group Vitamins are essential for gloss, colour and thickness. VITAMIN C ensures the health of capillaries supplying blood to hair follicles. Make sure your diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and veggies.

VITAMIN E encourages hair growth. Switch from refined flours to wholemeal and wheatgerm, eggs, vegetable oil. COPPER stops hair from falling. Studies show that the copper content in the blood serum of people with falling hair is less than normal. Different types of alopecia (falling hair) are seen to have a deficiency of this important trace element. Include small quantities of nuts, especially cashews and peanuts, seeds, whole milk and beans in your diet as these contain minute but important amounts of copper.

Homemade remedies for preventing hair fall:

Apply almond oil on scalp and massage. Grind fenugreek seeds in water and apply on your scalp. Wash off after 40 minutes. Do this every morning for a month ¡V if it suits you! Remember, different treatments suit different types of hair. Massage warm castor oil + almond oil into your scalp gently. Wrap a hot towel around your scalp so it gets absorbed into the hair. Do this twice a week for healthy, shiny hair. Add 2-3 drops of honey to a glass of water and use this as the last rinse after shampooing.

Quick Hair Care Conditioner

Mix 1 egg, 2 tbs castor oil, 1 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp glycerine. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your scalp. Wrap your head in a hot towel, steam, then wash off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

Honey Conditioner

Beat 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair), 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil. Massage gently into the scalp. Steam, and shampoo after an hour.

Alcohol Conditioner

Beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tsp brandy. Massage into your scalp. Leave for 10-15 mins. Rinse well. The egg nourishes your hair and brandy stimulates hair growth.
Your hair is a vital beauty asset, requiring constant loving care. And with a little nurturing, lush, glossy hair will be yours.

Home made remedies for curing indigestion

- Chewing and eating half a spoon of cumin seed (jeera) before taking food will help digest the food well.

- Take ginger juice, honey and lime juice in equal quantity 3 times a day chew and eat 4-5 mint leaves.

- Grapes,orange,sour apple,ripe banana, mango, papaya, garlic,unripe mango with honey and salt help in digestion.

- Dry powder of turmeric (haldi) mixed in buttermilk or plain water help prevent flatulence (gas fromation)

- A table Spoon of cinnamon (Dalchini) water prepared as for cold and taken ½ hour after meals relief flatulence and indigestion.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Successful bypass surgery on 102-yr-old

A 102-year-old man undergoing a successful bypass surgery is a miracle in the history of bypass surgeries, said Dr Ashish Tiwari of Bombay Hospital, where Baba Shivpuriji has undergone the procedure.

Baba was admitted to the hospital on April 6 by his disciples after he complained of chest pain and difficulty during walking.

Dr Sudhanshu Bhattacharya performed a successful five-and-a-half hour bypass surgery on Baba the next day.

There were blockages in the artery. The operation performed on him is called CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting). On April 8, Baba began breathing exercises suggested by Dr Bhattacharya and started showing speedy recovery.

''According to medical journals, there is no record of such old patients undergoing successful bypass surgery. At least we have not heard about it,'' Dr Tiwari told UNI.

Meanwhile, doctors are attributing the speedy recovery to Baba's healthy lifestyle.

At the age of 15, Baba left home to become a 'sanyasi'. He has been on a frugal diet of cow milk and fruits for the past 30-35 years. He wakes up everyday at 0330 hrs. Does 'pooja', meditation and 'pranayama'.

''He has a very balanced lifestyle, good food habits and no history of diabetes,'' said Dr Tiwari.

''We don't get to see a centurion these days,'' he said adding that due to the hectic lifestyle very young people are suffering from heart attack.

We had the youngest patient of nine years who underwent angioplasty, the doctor said.

''Stress is the major culprit,'' he states.

Source : Netindia

Remedies for puffy eyes and deep sunken eyes

Remedies for Eye Puffiness

Tips 1:

Slice a raw Potato, circle the closed eyes gently with these halves. Or else grate a raw Potato and place on Muslin cloth squares. Place these on the eyes and relax for 15-20 minutes.

Tips 2:

Dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on eyelids while relaxing.

Tips 3:

In a bowl of chilled water add a few drops of Vitamin E oil.Dip cotton pads in this and place on the eyes while relaxing for 20 minutes.

Remedies for Deep Sunken Eyes

Tips 1:

Apply 1 tspn of Honey with ½ tspn of Almond oil. Apply at bedtime.

Tips 2:

Soak 5 Almonds overnight. Peel them, eat them by chewing well followed by a glass of milk. Done first thing in the morning for 21 days should definitely help.

Know all about your eyes

How to rest your eyes,some natural recipes at home to prevent eyes from black circles and simple exercises.

To rest the eyes, lift them occasionally from close work and look into the distance.
Give rest to your tired eyes by applying two thin slices of cucumber as cool compress and relax as you do so.

Splash cold water occasionally to eyes to relax them and bring back the sparkle to tired eyes.
Prevent the glare of light which has a fatiguing effect on the eyes. Light fixtures in the bedroom should reflect light upwards as well as outwards and not direct on the eyes.

Dip gauze. pads in light tea and keep on the tired eye for 15 minutes.

Treating dark circles

Massage with almond cream and wipe off with cotton after 5 minutes to get rid off eye circles.

Apply milk around eyes to cure the dark circles.

Wet cotton with rose water and keep on eyes and remove after 10 minutes to treat dark circles.

Grate potato and squeeze juice. Apply around the eyes.

Put ice cubes in tea decation and put in refrigerates for 1 hour. Apply with cotton and wash after 1 hour.

Massage a good whitening cream very gently around the eyes, starting from the corners of your eyes and working outwards, it will help to avoid the dark circles.

Apply cucumber juice below your eyes every night just before going to bed.

Mix the pulp of a quarter tomato, turmeric powder, lemon juice and gramflour (besan). Apply this mixture on your dark circles and wash off once it dries.

Make paste of three almond kernels and milk. Apply this paste and leave till it dries.

Grated cucumber, by itself or mixed with carrot juice, can be spread under the eye, to reduce black circles and sagging skin.

NOTE:-When applying cream or make up around the eyes use the ring finger (as it exerts less pressure)

To remove puffiness under the eyes, use raw potato paste sandwiched between two thin pieces, of (for each eye) and keep on the eyes for 20 minute.

Store creams in the refrigerator, as the coldness will also help reduce puffiness.

Castor Oil Applying pure castor oil to your eyebrows and lashes, particularly those who have scanty growth, will make them grow thick and long. For tired or puffed eyes, place a cotton pad soaked in chilled rose water. Keeping thin slices of cucumber ready in the refrigerator beforehand is ideal.

Simple everyday eye exercises

After every hour before a computer screen, close your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them.

Yoga experts recommend you to rotate your eyes often to relax muscles. Move your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner.

Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times. This helps prevent blurred vision.

Above all Take A vitamin diet to make eyes brighter. (papaya, eggs, fish, milk, cilantro etc.,)

Monsoon Skincare

Monsoon is the time where your skin behaves a little strange and is often unstable; suddenly it's gets oily or become dry and dehydrated. Hence it is very necessary that you take care of your skin during this season in order to look fresh and beautiful. Following are a few Skincar tips that you need to follow.


Your skin will require regular cleansing in order to keep it looking fresh and healthy. Follow these home remedies.

Dry Skin: You can use almond paste or honey cleanser. Take ten crushed almonds and make a paste and add two tsp of honey. Massage on face for 5 to 7 minutes, rinse face and pat dry.

Oily Skin: You need a very mild cleanser to get the dead cells and grime off from skin. Use pure oatmeal scrub to cleanse oily skin or use ripe papaya pulp as a mild exfoliant.


Toning is a must at night. During monsoon, a lot of airborne and waterborne microbes are let loose. So a good anti-bacterial toner will go a long way to prevent skin infections and eruptions. It is a good idea to get anti-bacterial face wash too.

You need to mildly tone a dry skin since the pore size is small. Use five drops chamomile oil in a one tsp milk to tone dry skin and ten drops Lavender oil in one tsp water to tone an oily skin.


Moisturising in the rains is as important as it is in summer. Monsoons can mean a de-moisturising effect on dry skin and an over-hydrating effect on oily skin. The skin gets wet often and with the constant wetting and drying, a lot of dehydration (yes, in the rains!) takes place. That explains the itchy feeling one gets during monsoons. Use a non-water based moisturiser, if you happen to get wet often. Otherwise a water- based moisturiser will do.

Dry Skin: Take I tsp honey, I tsp fresh curd and I tsp jojoba oil. Mix all of these together and apply on your face and neck. Leave it on for 10 mins and then wash off with plenty of water.

Oily and Combination Skin: In 2 tsp rose water add 2 drops of strawberry oil and fresh orange oil. Mix and apply on face and neck for 10 mins and then wash off.

Home Remedies for Glowing and Smooth Skin

You can transform your dry skin into a super smooth, soft, supple, and glowing skin by using these home remedies.

Mash a banana with milk and apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

Apply honey on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will glow and become soft and smooth.

Mix egg white with honey and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

Make a paste of one teaspoon of walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Scrub your face with this paste and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

Rub a piece of papaya on your face and neck for 15 minutes.

Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoon turmeric (haldi) powder in orange juice. Scrub it on your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.

Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply on face for overnight. Smear on hands and feet, and wash off in the morning (wear gloves in hands and socks in feet).

Boil cabbage in water. Wash your face with this water.

Powder mango peels and mix 1 teaspoon milk powder and rub on face, neck, and hands. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

Mix one cup of sugar with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon / lime juice. While taking bath, lather your body and face heavily with a soft soap like Dove. Scrub the whole body and face with the sugar mixture on the lather.

After a shower apply vaseline over your entire body. Shower again after one hour. Repeat twice a month.

Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. When your face is dried completely in about 1/2 an hour, put your fingers in warm water and massage your face. Repeat daily for 10-15 days.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

WHO welcomes Abbott's decision to reduce prices of second-line anti-retroviral therapy

The World Health Organization (WHO) has welcomed Abbott Laboratories decision to significantly reduce the prices of second-line anti-retroviral therapeutics.

In a statement issued here, the WHO also said that it is committed to promoting universal access to HIV prevention services and treatment by 2010.

Praising the growing number of people being treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART), the WHO said this trend was possible because of access to "second-line" ART.

The WHO said it will continue to work with countries, people living with HIV/AIDS, organizations and the pharmaceutical industry, to find mechanisms that address immediate needs.

Source : Netindia

New Vaccine Will Reduce PCV2 And Salmonella

UK - It is essential the new PCV2 vaccines are made available to British pig-keepers as soon as possible, says Giles Penn, of Yorkshire-based DRS Partnership in Pigs Ltd.

He is clear that using vaccines to reduce PDNS will have a significant impact on salmonella levels.

His view is shared by Pig Veterinary Society president David Burch who points out that average mortality in British finishing pigs may have plateaued at 6.5 percent but is still 3 percent higher than it was before PMWS/PDNS… “and there are still some herds getting up to 10 percent mortality in batches going through”.

Like Giles Penn, he is particularly keen to see the vaccine Ingelvac Circoflex being made available to British producers under special licence, because it is proving so effective at combating PCV2.

But there is a significant shortage of the product, he says, probably due to high demand in the States and Canada.

BPEX is to see if anything can be done to get the product to Britain sooner rather than later.

See “Costs of PCV2 infection in United Kingdom pigs” to be published in May Pig World.

For more information on Salmonellosis Click here

For the PMWS and PCVD technical zone
Click here

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Diabetes 'blocked by stem cells'

Pancreas cells
Pancreatic cells are lost in type 1 diabetes
Brazilian and US scientists have used transfusions of patients' own stem cells to reverse type 1 diabetes.

People with the condition are known as insulin-dependent, and require regular shots of the hormone.

But 14 out of 15 young people newly diagnosed with the condition no longer needed injections - sometimes for years - following the stem cell treatment.

However, experts warned the Journal of the American Medical Association study was preliminary and inconclusive.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the patient's own immune system destroying insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

The researchers, from the University of Sao Paulo, gave the patients powerful drugs to suppress their immune systems in an attempt to stop further destruction of pancreatic cells.

This was followed by transfusions of stem cells taken from their own blood, in effect designed to restart the immune system.

Some patients reacted more quickly to the treatment than others, and the length of the effect also varied.

One patient was able to survive without insulin injections for 35 months, and four others for at least 21 months.

Two patients who responded late did not have to inject themselves for one and five months.

Mechanism unclear

Previous studies have suggested stem cell therapy might be a promising approach for type 1 diabetes.

Stem cells are immature cells which can become different types of adult tissue.

It is thought that in this instance the stem cells may have generated new immune cells which do not target the pancreas, helping to safeguard what remaining insulin-producing cells the patient has left.

However, it is also possible that the treatment may have led to the growth of new insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

A third possibility is that the treatment stimulated an as yet unknown mechanism which stopped existing beta cells being destroyed.

The results do throw up the possibility that stem cell therapy could have a dramatic impact.

'Preliminary study'

But the study was small, did not monitor the patients for very long and did not compare them with similar patients who were given alternative therapy or remained untreated.

Dr Iain Frame, of the charity Diabetes UK, warned against raising people's hopes on the basis of a "very preliminary" study.

"It is well known that there is often a honeymoon period of relative remission after the onset of Type 1 diabetes that complicates the interpretation of results such as the ones shown in this study.

"All these issues need to be addressed through more research before there are any conclusive findings in this area."

Dr Richard Burt, of Northwestern University, Chicago, who worked on the study, said: "I do not use the word cure, or the word breakthrough, but this is a step forward.

"It is the first time in which a stem cell therapy has been used effectively in this disease."

Previous research has suggested that stem cell therapy can benefit patients with other auto-immune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's.

Of the 2.2 million people with diabetes in the UK, only around 300,000 have the type 1 disease.

However, for unknown reasons, the number of British children under the age of five developing type 1 diabetes has risen five-fold in the last 20 years.

Source : BBC

Flu vaccine grown in insect cells

Test tube
The technique may speed up production
Scientists have made an experimental - and apparently effective - flu vaccine inside insect cells.

They hope the technique could provide a way to produce vaccine quickly and in volume in the event of a flu pandemic.

At present flu vaccine is produced in hens' eggs, but this is time-consuming, and each egg can only produce one dose of vaccine.

The University of Rochester study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Scientists believe it is inevitable that the world will face a flu pandemic in the future.

Rapid development, production and distribution of a vaccine will be key to saving lives.

Researcher Professor John Treanor said: "Eggs can be very cumbersome to work with.

"When you need hundreds of millions of fertilized eggs, you're dealing with a whole host of agricultural issues, as well as scientific concerns regarding the flu virus itself.

"Flu viruses can be temperamental, and it's not always an easy matter to get the virus to grow as you want in eggs."

The researchers tested a vaccine called FluBIOk, which relies on a virus which normally infects insects known as baculovirus to churn out its key components.

Promising trials

Tests on 460 volunteers showed nobody who received a 135 microgram dose of the vaccine went on to develop the three strains of flu thought to pose the biggest threat when the study was conducted in the winter of 2004-2005.

The researchers estimate that using insect cells rather than eggs to manufacture the vaccine could slice up to two months off a process that at present takes about six months to produce enough supplies to protect the US public.

They also argue that not relying on chicken eggs might also be advisable in case a bird flu pandemic hits chicken flocks hard.

In addition, a live flu virus is needed when growing vaccine in eggs, a danger when working with a potent bird-flu strain.

Another potential advantage of FluBIOk is that, unlike other flu vaccines, it does not contain neuraminidase, an enzyme that allows a flu virus to replicate and spread.

Professor John Oxford, an expert in virology at London's Queen Mary College School of Medicine, said other researchers were exploring similar techniques for producing flu vaccines.

He said two groups had used mammalian cells, while another was experimenting with the use of plants.

"Using eggs has been very successful for the last 40 years," he said.

"But if you need to increase supplies quickly in the wake of a pandemic you just can't do that using eggs."

Source : BBC