Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Taking Care of Feet for Diabetic Patient
Some important facts : one of the most common sites of nerve damage in the diabetic person is the foot. The condition could be painful or conversely, a person may not feel pain even when he steps on a piece of glass. If untreated, this condition could lead to ulcers, gangrene and sometimes loss of fee. It is therefore important to examine your feet every day for signs of injury.
What to look for :
1. Any abnormal sensation in the feet. For example, a burning sensation.
2. Severe pain in the leg similar to knife injury, worse by-night and often relieved by walking.
3. Dr, scaly or cracked skin.
4. Any new growth on the feet.
5. Soreness and redness of the foot.
6. Changes in the shape of the foot.
7. Ulcers and pus formation.
(If you notice any of these, ask your doctor about treating them).
How to take care :
1. Keep feet clean, warm and dry.
2. Wash feet daily with warm water.
3. Use a mild soap and rinse well.
4. Dry feet thoroughly, particulary between the toes.
5. Powder feet and shoes every day.
6. Wear comfortablem, well-fitting leather shoes.
7. Wear fresh socks every day.
8. Avoid using sandals with toegrips.
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