Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Natural home remedies

* Bake a medium-sized banana in its skin for 30 minutes at 350° F. Peel and mash the juicy banana, adding 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin, cold-pressed olive oil. Spread the mush on a clean white cloth and apply it to the neck. Leave it on for a half-hour in the morning and a half-hour in the evening.

* Haldi/Turmeric is an antibiotic which plays an important part in treating tonsillitis. One teaspoon turmeric powder mixed in one cup of lukewarm cow's milk helps to alleviate the tonsillitis problem. It will show great results, if had every night.

* Gargling two teaspoons of onion juice mixed with lukewarm is used to gargle which helps in curing the tonsillitis problem.

* Juices of carrot, beet, and cucumber, taken individually or in combination, are especially beneficial. The formula proportion recommended, when used in combination is 300 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of beet juice, and 100 ml of cucumber juice

* Juice garlic cloves so that you have 1 tablespoon of fresh juice. Add the juice and 2 ounces of dried sage to 1 quart of water in a glass or enamel pot. Cover the pot and bring the mixture to a boil.As soon as it starts to boil, turn off the heat and let it stand until it's lukewarm. Strain the solution.

Dose: Drink 1/2 cup of this sage-garlic tea every two hours. Gargle 1/2 cup every hour until the condition is better.

NOTE: The holistic health professionals we talked to believe that tonsils should not be removed unless it's absolutely necessary. They function as armed guards, destroying harmful bacteria that enter through the mouth. Asian medicine practitioners believe that when tonsils are unable to fulfill this function, the body's immune system needs to be strengthened-but the tonsils should, not be removed.

Natural home remedies for gout

It's the Cherries

The one remedy that everyone seems to agree is very effective-cherries! Eat them fresh or frozen. Also, drink cherry juice daily. You can get pure juice (concentrate) at health food stores.

Other Remedies

* Soak your gouty foot in comfrey tea .

* A Russian remedy is raw garlic-two cloves a day. The best way to take raw garlic is to mince the cloves, put them in water (better yet, in cherry juice) and drink them down. Chewing is not necessary. The garlic will not linger on your breath. It may repeat on you­but then, so does a salami sandwich, and this is a lot healthier.

NOTE: Eat garlic with a few sprigs of parsley to decrease repeating and smelly breath.

* Eating strawberries and very little else for a few days is said to be a possible cure for gout. Strawberries are a powerful alkalizer and contain calcium, iron and an ingredient known as salacin, which soothes inflammatory conditions. It worked so well for 18th-century botanist Carl Linnaeus (who developed the modem system for classifying plants) that he referred to strawberries as "a blessing of the gods."

* Take safflower in capsule form to aid the healing process.
Extract ½ a cup of juice of French beans (String beans). Drink this juice everyday for a month.

* Devil's Claw : Relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Acts as a diuretic, sedative, and digestive stimulant.
Apply elm leaf tea to affected area for pain and inflammation.

Home Remedies for Diabetes

Take Garlic in capsules it helps circulation and regulates sugar level
Take two teaspoons of powdered Fenugreek seeds with milk. Two teaspoons of the seeds can also be swallowed whole, daily.

Amla , due to its vitamin C content is effective in controlling diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will secrete the pancreas and enable it to secrete insulin.
500 mg of L-glutamine and taurine a day to reduce sugar craving and to help release insulin.

Home Remedies For Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are caused by more than just overexposure and lack of moisturizing. Cracked heels are a sign that you are deficient in zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

Home remedies for cracked heels
Before bedtime, wash your feet with warm water and dry them. Liberally apply petroleum jelly on your feet, massaging it into the rough and cracked areas. Wrap each foot with plastic wrap. Put socks on and sleep that way. Repeat the process nightly until your feet are fine. It shouldn't take more than a week... probably less.

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Priya Mani video song from a south Indian film

Jpeg format


Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Although worms are not so common in developed nations, they are not so uncommon in India. This is largely due to poor sanitation in general, lower standards of butchering and unclean water. Although you may maintain high standards of hygiene at home, the same cannot be said of your neighbourhood restaurant.


The fact that your child has worms does not mean that the standards of hygiene in your home are low. In reality children are especially susceptible to worms. They usually get worms from their own poor standards of hygiene, eating mud, playing in the dirt and then putting hands in the mouth without washing them. When they play together or when they share food, they pass on the worms to one another. While these days the trend of not eating 'jhuta' food is slowly diminishing, it would be ideal if children, more than adults, avoid eating each others jhuta.

Man's best friend is often a carrier of worms, and is likely to pass them on to your children. Yes, children can get certain worms through animals, so if you have a dog it makes sense to ensure your dog is de-wormed once every six months. Also, make sure that your child washes her hands after petting the dog, and does not put her hands in her mouth until she has done so.


The prime symptom for worms is an itchy bottom. In addition to an itchy bottom, your child may be unusually restless at night and have trouble falling asleep. She may be especially hungry, and may eat a lot without gaining weight. A sudden development of a paunch in addition to an itchy bottom and an increased appetite also signifies worms in children and in adults. Threadworms, which are the most common form of worms found in children, come out of the anus at night and hatch eggs in the anal opening. So if your child scratches her bottom and then puts her finger in her mouth, the eggs will find their way into the intestine once again and develop into more worms, thus continuing the cycle. Also, when your child scratches her bottom, eggs can get lodged under her fingernails, and as she plays around the house, the eggs spread. In this manner the worms spread to other members of the family. Sometimes tiny worms may be visible at night, if you observe your child's anal opening. They may even show up in your child's stool.


Fortunately de-worming treatments are extremely effective, and normally have no side effects since there is no significant absorption of the blood into the bloodstream. All it takes to rid your body of worms is a single tablet. Bear in mind though that pregnant woman should not take this drug in the first trimester.

A certain level of hygiene must be maintained. You could also make your child wear tight fitted underwear to discourage him from scratching his bottom inadvertently at night.

If one child in the family is found with worms, every family member should be treated simultaneously. Clothing, towels, sheets, should all be washed with hot water to kill any worms or eggs, and fingernails should be cut short.

Ear Infections

What is an ear infection?
The portion of the ear that lies just behind the ear drum is called the middle ear. Once in a while fluid builds up in the middle ear and at times this fluid gets infected. However, the fluid is usually drained out into the throat by the help of tubes known as Eustachian tubes. It is only when these tubes stop performing their function, if they get blocked for what ever reason.

Can nose-blowing cause an ear infection?
The answer is yes, it most definitely can. When you blow your nose, some of the fluid comes out, while some of it enters the ear through the Eustachian tube. Try instead to take in the mucous and cough it out from your mouth. If you simply must blow your nose, don't close one nostril and blow out from the other. Blow out from both nostrils.

How do I know if my infant has an ear infection?
The symptoms of an ear infection are: fever, tugging at ears, shaking of the head, discomfort, crying and a recent bout of cold or cough). Not all children exhibiting symptoms such as these have ear infections so if you suspect an infection, its best to have your paediatrician look at your child's ear.

Are antibiotics necessary for treating ear infections?
While we don't realise it at this stage, ear infections can take a pretty serious if they don't heal by themselves. The infection may eat away at the bone in the ear, and may even start eroding the brain tissue, manifesting in meningitis. This is, of course, a delayed result, and only if the ear infection is consistently ignored. Thus if you are hesitant about giving your child antibiotics, you could wait for around three days for the infection to clear on its own. If it doesn't, you should take your child to the doctor to get his opinion as to whether he needs to get started on an antibiotic course. Different doctors have different opinions. Some doctors are all too liberal with antibiotic prescriptions, while others are slightly more conservative.

Are there any home remedies?

Some of the best home remedies include steaming, and applying warm olive oil inside the ear (unless your child is allergic to it). It is best to start home remedies the minute your child complains of an earache, and if the infection doesn't clear within three days, take him to the doctor. Unfortunately, the widespread use of antibiotics to cure ear infections has lead to some bacteria becoming resistant to the antibiotics. Certain studies suggest that xylitol, an ingredient found in bubblegum, can help fight ear infections. Studies are still uncertain about the results, so don't pop a bubblegum in your child's mouth just yet. However, the next time you see your child chewing gum, perhaps you don't need to get upset about it either! As long as he brushes his teeth afterwards, it's fine. You could also apply a hot water bottle to the ear, or take a hot bath. This would help clear the wax and relieve pain.

Cure your Child's Cough

Does your child cough a lot? Here are some possible causes:

Allergies are one of the most common causes of cough. Your child may be allergic to certain things like dust, pollen, pets, plants, which may cause a runny nose and sniffles. If the allergy is not very strong, the mucous may simply drip down the back of his throat instead running down his nose or making him sneeze. This constant dripping of mucous into the throat irritates the passage, causing your child to cough. The best way to cure this kind of cough is to ensure your child avoids contact with any allergens. The house should be kept dust free. Often dust is removed just from surface or visible areas, while it lurks in invisible areas such as under the bed or behind furniture. Make sure that these hidden areas are also well cleaned and dusted. Carpets in India should be cleaned everyday, as dust tends to settle on them. And every once in a while, the carpets should be taken out of the house and given a proper dusting or beating so that it is thoroughly cleaned. If you have a vacuum cleaner, use it to clean the carpets on a daily basis, so dust gets sucked out. Similarly, remove plants from your child's bedroom, and make sure the leaves of plants are kept clean.

If either parent smokes, it is possible that second-hand smoke is responsible for your child's cough. Avoid smoking around your child. Designate a smoking area in your house, which could be either your bedroom or your study. If you have a balcony, let that be the smoking area and make it a point to smoke only in your balcony. Similarly, when you have a party at home, let your friends know that they should go to the balcony and smoke so your home remains smoke-free and your child's lungs stay healthy.

Home remedies

Before calling a doctor, you could try and cure the cough on your own. Here are some ingredients you can find in your kitchen that should help cure the cough.

Honey: It warms you up and is excellent for colds. It also soothes the throat, kills infections and has many other benefits.

Ginger: It is a natural anti-inflammatory, and helps in relieving chest congestion.

Vinegar: It is a natural antiseptic and has many excellent properties. Not only can vinegar be applied to skin to soothe various conditions, and to hair, but it is very healthy when ingested. So, eat more vinegar-based salads on a regular basis.

In addition to the above remedies, have your child gargle every night with warm water, salt, and a pinch of turmeric to kill infection. This will cure his cough and keep his tonsils in great health, thus increasing his overall immunity.

When should you call the doctor?

Call the doctor if your child has been coughing for a period of more than three weeks. He could have developed chronic cough, and medicine needs to be prescribed to treat this condition. Persistent coughing can also be a symptom of asthma. In fact, if your child has mild asthma, coughing may be the only symptom, so it is best not to ignore it.

Allergies in children

Allergy is, to put it in a layman's term, a condition whereby a child is extra-sensitive to certain innocuous substances or "triggers" like dust or pollen, which are harmless to a normal person. Some children are particularly predisposed to allergies. Their immune response is wired a little differently, so that it interprets the presence of harmless substances as a threat and overreacts. Therefore, while one child hugs a cat comfortably, another goes into spasms of relentless sneezing.

Children with allergic tendencies are known to produce excess Immunoglobin E (IgE) antibodies in their blood and are categorized as "atopic" individuals. And in fact, most atopic children react violently to multiple allergens, not just one.


There are thousands of substances that cause allergies in atopic individuals. Such substances called "allergens" are mainly, air-borne or food-based. Among the indoor air-borne allergens, the innocuous house dust is one of the common causes of allergies. House dust is a composition of fine cloth fibres, lint, mold, mildew, paint peelings, pet dander, hair and so on, all of which are potent allergens. No matter how clean the house, it is not possible to completely eliminate dust-mites, especially in mattresses and carpets.

Outdoors, it is the tree-, weed- and grass-pollens that provoke allergic reactions. Who would have thought that this otherwise useful agent for plant pollination could play havoc with someone's health? But, pollens, unlike house dust are seasonal occurrences and hence, allergies due to them are seasonal, too.

There are some food types like milk, wheat, seafood and soy, whose proteins are food allergens.


It is also important to note that the same allergen can often cause different reactions in different people. For instance, house dust can irritate one child's mucus lining of the respiratory tract and another's conjunctiva of the eye. When allergens cause itching or hives on the skin, the child suffers from eczema or dermatitis. When it inflames the bronchial tubes and causes wheezing, the condition is asthma and a runny nose means allergic rhinitis. When the conjunctiva of the eye is inflamed, then the child has allergic conjunctivitis.

When someone consuming fish or prawns break into skin rashes, it means that he is allergic to seafood. Artificial colours in colas or canned fruit juices can give an atopic child an itchy and scratchy throat.


There is no panacea for allergies. Allopathic medicines can only alleviate the symptoms but are inadequate for a complete cure. A lot of over-the-counter medicines are available in the form of nasal sprays, eye drops, inhalers or oral drugs to bring symptomatic relief, but they need to be repeated often. Corticosteroids are potent drugs that may bring dramatic results, but even doctors discourage their prolonged use and are cautious in prescribing them.

However today, there is a wide array of drugs that intervene at different levels or processes of immune reaction that cause the outward symptoms. Antihistamines (that which counter histamine release which is a fallout of excessive antibody activity), decongestants or anti-inflammatory drugs are good enough for children who show up mild allergic reactions, periodically. But, for those suffering violent allergic symptoms the year round, alternative solutions have to be tried.

An allergologist would recommend immunotherapy, which is giving allergy shots to desensitise the person of allergens. But for this, he has to first zero in on the allergen/s that are the culprits. This is done by a series of skin tests, whereby the antigen from the suspect allergen is injected into the skin and the reactions studied. It is a tedious process, time-consuming and not always fruitful.

Alternative therapies

Homeopathy has shown good results in some cases and can be followed provided you ensure that the homeopathic preparations do not use steroids. A lot of alternative therapies like ayurveda, reiki or yoga claim to alleviate allergies and can be given a shot, although with great circumspection.


The best way to tackle allergies is to manage them yourself. It will help to maintain a logbook of his symptoms and daily routine, so that slowly a pattern may emerge. This may give you insight into things to avoid or do. For instance, if you find that your child is allergic to house dust, his bedroom should be vacuum-cleaned, the mattresses, couches and carpets aired and sunned to minimize allergens.

It is cruel to expect not to take your child to the park or playground because the billowing dust irritates his eyes. But if it gives him unbearably itchy and red eyes - violent reactions that affect his daily routine - then perhaps taking him for a swim may be a good alternative. Remember, medicines alone will not help him overcome his condition; a little change in lifestyle could help considerably.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Leg Cramps

Cramp is a painful sudden, involuntary spasm or contraction of the muscles.
The cause for cramps can be: heavy exercise, cold, illness, strain, and more.
The most common body parts that get cramps are: shoulders, legs and back.

How to Cure Leg Cramp with Natural Treatments

Exercise daily.

For muscular cramps: Massage the muscle that is opposite to the muscle that is cramping. Example if you have a cramp in the lower thigh, massage the upper part of the thigh muscle.

Take calcium supplements or eat calcium products.

Take a Heating pad or a water bottle with very hot water. Place on the place where
it hurts and leave it until the pain is gone.

When you get cramps, massage the toes muscle.

Take a very hot bath, can also add a cup of camomile tea into the water.



Meera Chopra masala song .avi video format




Sunday, February 25, 2007

Natural home remedies for gout

It's the Cherries

The one remedy that everyone seems to agree is very effective-cherries! Eat them fresh or frozen. Also, drink cherry juice daily. You can get pure juice (concentrate) at health food stores.

Other Remedies

Soak your gouty foot in comfrey tea .
A Russian remedy is raw garlic-two cloves a day. The best way to take raw garlic is to mince the cloves, put them in water (better yet, in cherry juice) and drink them down. Chewing is not necessary. The garlic will not linger on your breath. It may repeat on you­but then, so does a salami sandwich, and this is a lot healthier.

NOTE: Eat garlic with a few sprigs of parsley to decrease repeating and smelly breath.

* Eating strawberries and very little else for a few days is said to be a possible cure for gout. Strawberries are a powerful alkalizer and contain calcium, iron and an ingredient known as salacin, which soothes inflammatory conditions. It worked so well for 18th-century botanist Carl Linnaeus (who developed the modem system for classifying plants) that he referred to strawberries as "a blessing of the gods."

* Take safflower in capsule form to aid the healing process.

* Extract ½ a cup of juice of French beans (String beans). Drink this juice everyday for a month.

* Devil's Claw : Relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Acts as a diuretic, sedative, and digestive stimulant.

* Apply elm leaf tea to affected area for pain and inflammation.

Herbal Home For Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes prefer warm over cold, light over dark, dirty over clean, adult over child and male over female.
Once the mosquito bites the hand that feeds it, treat the bite with saliva. Then apply any of the following. . .

Wet soap
Wet tobacco
Wet mud
Watered-down ammonia
Mixture of equal parts vinegar and lemon juice

As for the mosquito, after it bites you on one hand, give it the other hand-palm downward!

Mosquito and Gnat Bite Prevention

Remember how, when you were a child and got bitten up by mosquitoes, your mother would say "That's because you're so sweet" There may be something to it.

Experiments were conducted with people who completely eliminated white sugar and alcoholic beverages from their diets. They were surrounded by mosquitoes and gnats. Not only were those people not bitten, the insects didn't even bother to land on them.

If you're sugar-free, it's so long mosquitoes, and gnuts to gnats!

Mosquitoes have been known to stay away from people whose systems have a high amount of vitamin B1 (thiamine). Before you go to a mosquito-infested area, eat foods that are rich in B1-sunflower seeds, brewer's yeast, Brazil nuts and fish.
Additionally, supplement with 100 mg of vitamin B1 (thiamine) every day for a week before you leave for the infested area. Also take B1 an hour before you reach your destination.

* Keep geraniums on porches and other places you like to sit. The potted geraniums keep mosquitoes away.

* If you dread mosquito bites more than you mind smelling of garlic, then we've got a remedy for you.
Rub garlic over all your exposed body parts before reaching a mosquito-infested area. Mosquitoes will not come near you. They hate garlic. Garlic is to mosquitoes what kryptonite is to Superman.

One university biologist tested garlic extract on five species of mosquitoes. The garlic got 'em. Not one mosquito survived.

* Eucalyptus oil will repel mosquitoes. Rub it over the uncovered areas of your body.

* Don't wear the color blue around mosquitoes. They're very attracted to it. They're also attracted to wet clothes. Keep dry!

* Rub fresh parsley on the exposed parts of your body to prevent insect bites.

* If you have an aloe vera plant, break off one of the stems. Squeeze out the juice and rub it on the uncovered areas of your body for protection against biting insects.

Home Remedies For Heat Rash (Prickly Heat)

Prickly heat is a common condition in which areas of the skin itch intensely and often feel prickly, or sting, due to overheating. Also called heat rash prickly heat looks like tiny bumps surrounded by an area of red skin. It usually occurs on clothed parts of the body, such as the back, abdomen, neck, upper chest, groin or armpits and goes away on its own within a few days. In severe forms, however, prickly heat can interfere with the body's heat-regulating mechanism and cause fever, heat exhaustion and even death.

Prickly heat occurs most often in hot, humid conditions, but you may develop it in cool weather if you are overdressed. The condition usually appears a few days to a few months after exposure to a hot, humid environment. It's most common in infants. Newborns are particularly vulnerable to prickly heat because their sweat ducts are not mature, which makes it easier for the beads of moisture to be trapped.

Heat rash can develop anytime your body overheats-typically in very hot, humid conditions. Stay cool and don't let the heat get to you!

Natural Home remedies
Make a soothing powder by browning ½ cup of regular flour in the oven. Then apply to the rash.

Rub the prickly-heated area with the inside of watermelon rind.

Take a vitamin C supplement regularly. It helps relieve the itch.

Cornstarch prevents and relieves heat rash.


* Avoid overdressing.

* Allow Skin to breathe

* Avoid heavy moisturizers. Tender newborn skin tends to be dry and in need of
moisturizing. But heavy, oil-based creams can be a problem. 'Moisturize with a light, water-based lotion instead.

Home Remedy For Boils

A traditional home remedy for boils is to have them lanced by sterilizing a needle (often over a flame for about 30 seconds) and then squeezing all the pus out.
This should now preferrably be done by a doctor. Afterwards, wash the skin with freshly squeezed pineapple juice. Sometimes a thin slice of fresh pineapple is put over the skin for a while.

Naturopaths and herbalists provide traditional boil remedies by treating the body's elimination channels. They believe it is because these systems are not working properly that skin conditions like boils flare up.

Particularly if one is prone to getting boils on a regular basis, a home remedy for boils that includes treatment of the internal conditions leading to the expression of boils, is important.

Weiss presents this herbal tea as a home remedy for boils:

dandelion root and leaf
frangula bark
senna leaf
anise fruit

Use equal parts of the above herbs to make a dry mixture. Then, add 2 teaspoons of this mixture to a cup of boiling water and let it infuse for 20 minutes. Drink 1 cup in the morning and evening.

This home remedy for boils tea treats the digestive system, clearing it out. It should be taken regularly for a while, although given that it has senna, a laxative herb, in it, it should not be taken 'forever'.

Linseed poultices can also be used in conjunction with the internal home remedy for boils. This helps bring the head of the boil up.

To make the poultice, fill up a small linen bag with linseed, about one third full. Sew it up, and boil in a lot of water. The seeds absorb the water and swell, filling the bag.

When this happens, take it out of the pot, and carefully strain the water out, being careful not to burn yourself. Then wrap the bag in a clean, dry cloth, and apply it to the boil.

Try and apply it as hot as you can, without buringing yourself. You can have two bags, and swap them when one cools down.

Linseed flour can also be used in this poultice home remedy for boils. Its not as good, but okay if you can't get any whole linseeds from the health food shop.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Chicken Pox

What is Chicken Pox?

Chicken pox is a highly contagious viral disease that is spread by direct contact or breathing in germs from someone's cough or sneeze. Two weeks after exposure, chicken pox spots appear on the body.

What are the signs and symptoms of Chicken Pox ?

The following symptoms will occur 10-21 days after exposure to chicken pox:

Low grade fever.
Runny nose, slight cough.
Decrease in appetite.
Tired, rundown feeling.
These symptoms usually occur 24-48 hours before the spots appear on the body.
When the spots first appear they will start on the chest, back, or face, and eventually are seen over the entire body. The spots may occur in the mouth as white ulcers, and as ulcers in the ears and eyes.

How is Chicken Pox treated?

Baking soda bath.
Calamine lotion as needed to skin.
Benadryl liquid or capsules taken by mouth for itching.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever above 102 degrees = No Aspirin!!!!
For sores in mouth, rinse with warm water - hydrogen peroxide mouth rinses.
Keep the sores clean by bathing daily. If the sores look infected, wash them well and apply Neosporin or Bacitracin ointment 4 times a day.

Home remedies for Chicken Pox Scars , treating chicken pox marks.

Apply Sandalwood oil ( not the paste ) from the first day of appearance of rash till the fall of scabs. helps

Apply Vitamin E oil over the skin. Will help the healing process..

A bath of oatmeal is a natural remedy to relieve the itch due to chicken pox

Honey smeared over the skin will also help in healing the disease

Lukewarm water baths with neem leaves will help relieve the itching.

Ear Infection home remedy

Extract 1 teaspoon juice from mango leaves. Slightly warm and use as ear drops for ear infection.

Make garlic oil: chop 1-2 bulbs of fresh garlic. Place the garlic in a double boiler, and cover with an inch of olive oil. Cover the pot, and warm the oil gently over low heat for one hour.

Strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth, and store it in a covered glass jar in the refrigerator. To use the garlic oil, place a small amount in a metal spoon and heat it gently over a flame until warm.

Suction the oil up into an ear dropper, place a couple of drops into each ear canal, and plug the canal with a soft cotton ball. Repeat this every hour or as needed. Do not use garlic oil to treat an external ear infection or if you suspect a punctured eardrum.

home remedy for relief from Mouth Ulcers

Application of peppermint oil helps, as it is an anesthetic agent.
Mix coconut milk with honey and massage the gums 3 times a day.

Take 1 tsp finely powdered Indian Gooseberry root bark, mix with honey. Apply to affected areas frequently.

home remedies for bleeding gums

With a pinch of salt soaked in a glass of lukewarm water, you now create a homemade saline solution. Use this to rinse in the morning and in the evening. This will help increase circulation in your gums and reduce the swelling.

No matter how well and how often you brush your teeth, you can't reach the areas between your teeth and below the gums. Make the habit of flossing. Floss comes in very handy. Keep one in your bag or at your office. After meal, floss it.

Abdomen pain

Homemade remedy :

Colic Pain / Stomach Pain/ : Take a ½ gram of Asafetida (Hing Powder - Indian Spice) & mix it with little water make a paste of it and fill up your Belly button (umbilicus), lie down for 15-30 minutes and you will release some gas for few times, after that you will be fine

Sriya a south indian song .avi video format




Friday, February 23, 2007

Home remedies for Intestinal Worms

Intestinal Worms treatment using Garlic

Garlic has been used from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Babylonians for expelling intestinal worms. It is still used by modern medical practitioners for the same purpose. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its administration was to place a couple of cloves fresh garlic in each shoe. As the person walked, the cloves got crushed, and the worm-killing garlic oil was absorbed by the skin and carried by the blood into the intestines easily, as it possessed a powerful penetrative force. This ancient method is worth a trial by those who do no not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it. Those who can eat raw garlic, however, should chew three cloves of garlic every morning.

Home Remedies for Backache

Backache treatment using Garlic

The most important home remedy for backache is the use of garlic. Two or three cloves should be taken every morning to get results. An oil prepared from garlic and rubbed on the back will give great relief. This oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil in a frying pan. Any of the oils which are used as rubefacients, such as mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil can be used according to one's choice. They should be fried on a slow fire till they are brown. After the oil has cooled, it should be applied vigorously on the back, and allowed to remain there for three hours. The patient may, thereafter, take a warm-water bath. This treatment should be continued for at least fifteen days.

Backache treatment using Lemon

Lemon is another useful remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with common salt and taken by the patient twice daily. It will give relief.

Breast Milk

Breast milk produced by a human female and fed to infants by breastfeeding.
The breast milk is very healthy and full of nutrition; it provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to digest more diverse foods. The breast milk also contains balanced nutrients that are required for brain development, growth and a healthy immune system that act against viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Since an infant's immune system is not fully developed until age 2, human milk provides a distinct advantage over formula.

How to Improve Breast Milk with Natural Treatments

* To have more breast milk: Grind fennel seeds, saturate in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Then drink the water and eat the seeds. Repeat 3 times daily.

* For better breast milk: consume almonds oil.

* For more breast milk: Saturate buckwheat in milk and butter and eat.

Dry Skin

Dry skin, also called xerosis, is a common problem. The skin loses moisture and may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed. Most dry skin results from environmental factors such as: Winter, summer weather, excessive bathing, low humidity, wind, air conditioning, heating, strong soaps. Dry skin is most common in lower legs, arms, flanks, and thighs.

Natural Treatments

Drink regularly a glass of warm milk mixed with 2 teaspoons of almond oil.

Blanch lemon grass and drink several times a day.

Blanch scented geranium leaves in boiling water, strain, cool and use as a face wash.

Apply avocado paste on the skin.

Apply baby oil on the dry skin

Rub coconut oil or avocado oil on the afflicted area.

Smear honey on your body and wash after 5 minutes.

Fill up a tub with milk and warm water and dip in.

Blend oatmeal, Vanilla extract and baking soda. Add to a tub with warm water and sit in for 30-60 minutes.

For dry cracked skin: Apply glycerine oil on dry hands and feet.

After shower, dry and put regular sesame oil on skin.

For dry hands: Rub oatmeal on hand, wash and put hand cream.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007


Pamie Forte from Carrollton, Ohio writes; "I have a tip for you and I can vouch personally that this one will work immediately. I have had a few terrible bladder infections over the years including so severe that I was bleeding. The pain is unbearable. An obviously bad infection. Since that was the case and the mucus needed removed out of the bladder I thought I would use organic vinegar. Instantly, the first time I urinated, the bladder was cleaned out and the pain gone. On the very first set of pain when urinating, use natural vinegar. 1 Tablespoon and 1/2 teaspoon Salt to an eight ounce glass of water and drink it all down at once. Once you urinate a great relief will come. I have used this over and over again and I swear it works and very soothing not to mention healing." Thanks so much for sharing Pamie! Raychel writes; "I was reading your home remedies site. The "cure" for bladder infections (vinegar) is actually counter productive, and can actually cause a bladder infection. Even doctors will tell you to stay away from vinegary foods when you have a urinary tract infection. However, cranberry juice is a VERY effective solution. Believe it or not, a lil cranberry juice goes a LONG way." Thanks Raychel! Here is a cranberry remedy for bladder infections, better known as cystitis; Take a bag of fresh or frozen cranberries and boil them in water until they fall a part. Don't add sugar! Cool and drink as much as you can each and every day. This will also keep the infection at bay if you drink a glass a day. Another good old time remedy is to take a bunch of parsley leaves and boil in water for a few minutes. Let stand until cool and then drink. Don't add sugar!


If your are having an asthma attack and you are out of your medication, drink two to four cups of strong, black coffee.The caffeine in the coffee may give you some relief until you can get your medication. Jason Chu from San Francisco writes; "You note that caffeine is the active agent to offer some relief. Actually, it is not the caffeine which can actually aggravate someone who is excited, but the theophylline which is also in coffee that causes vasodialation and the relief associated with consuming coffee. The warm water vapor steaming from the cup of coffee also helps." Thanks Jason! Or, try this old time remedy: Roll spider webs in a ball and swallow. Believe it or not, but this remedy is still being researched today!

Cold Soak

Cold Soak
(for sprained or aching muscles or joints)

1/4 ounce peppermint oil
2 trays ice cubes
1 gallon hot water

Keep this mixture in the refrigerator and use whenever necessary to soak aching muscles or joints.

Bath Oils

Relaxing Bath Mixture
4 drops ylang-ylang oil
2 drops lavender oil

Mix the oils into a warm bath and soak for at least 15 minutes.

Energizing Morning Bath Mixture
4 drops rosemary oil
2 drops lavender oil

Mix the oils into a warm bath and soak for at least 15 minutes.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Back Rub

2 tablespoons coconut oil
10 drops essence of ilang-ilang

Place in a bowl and blend the ingredients well. Coconut oil is non-greasy and is semi-hard at room temperature. This makes one rub.

Burnt Toast Tea

1 slice bread
1 cup boiling water

Toast bread until it is black on both sides. Pour boiling water on the toast; let soak for 2 minutes. Strain off liquid, mashing down toast with the back of a tablespoon. Drink the tea while it is hot. If the first cup does not give relief, drink another cup in 30 minutes.

Arthritis Pain Relief

1 teaspoon LIQUID Certo*
3 ounces unsweetened grape juice

* This is the product used to prepare jams and jellies.

Mix Certo and grape juice and drink the concoction two or three times a day.

Diarrhoea Remedy

Grate one ripe apple. Allow the pulp to stand at room temperature for several hours until considerably darkened before eating. The oxidized pectin present in the fruit is the same basic ingredient found in Kaopectate brand diarrhea medicine!


1 tablespoon comfrey root
1 tablespoon fennel seeds
1 cup water
1 teaspoon goldenseal powder (optional)

Bring comfrey root, fennel seeds and water to boil, then simmer for a few minutes. Remove from heat and steep until cool enough to use. Strain through cheesecloth, muslin or an old nylon stocking. Refrigerate no longer than one week. For an extra-strong eyewash, add Goldenseal powder. Use either warm or cold.

To use, fill an eyecup or the palm of your clean hand with the liquid and pour the wash into the eye several times a day.

Baby Powder

1 ounce powdered chamomile
1 ounce powdered marigold flowers
1 ounce oat or oatmeal powder
1/2 ounce comfrey root powder
1/2 ounce powdered eggshells
1/2 ounce cornstarch (optional)

Sift through a very fine sifter, then bottle. If heat rash is a problem, add cornstarch.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a process of lightening the color of teeth. It involves a bleaching process that reduces the discoloration of the enamel and dentin caused due to smoking, aging, consumption of tea, coffee and colas.

You can try tooth whitening if you have healthy teeth without any fillings. Teeth whiteners are not suitable for dark gray stains, crowns, colored fillings and stains due to some medication such as tetracycline.

There are several types of products available for use at home. When selecting a whitener you must look for the ADA Seal for safety and effectiveness. Tooth whiteners gels or strips contain carbamide or hydrogen peroxide as the active bleaching ingredients. The bleaching gel is placed in a thin bleaching tray that fits over the teeth. The tooth whitening strips are placed on the teeth and gently pressed to make a contact between the whitener and the surface of the tooth. Results are usually seen within the first week.

You may experience tooth sensitivity to cold or discomfort in the gums during treatment. These symptoms always disappear within a couple of days after completion of treatment.

The tooth whitening toothpastes help remove surface stain through the action of mild abrasives or chemical polishing agents. Whitening toothpastes with the ADA Seal of Acceptance program do not alter the intrinsic color of teeth, unlike bleaches.

You should never use lemon juice for teeth whitening because vitamin C will cause the teeth to lose calcium, damaging teeth quicker than anything else.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Do not be scared of fever, because in fact it helps the body fight infection. Avoid drugs for lowering the temperature as far as possible. Try to use physical methods for keeping the skin cool - with the help of light clothing, fan or air conditioner; sponging the whole body with a tap or stored water; applying cold packs on foreheads or limbs, and allowing free flow of air into the room. If the infant is prone to convulsions with a sudden rise in temperature, use paracetamol (like Crocin, Calpol or Metacin) tablets or syrup. Never use analgin-containing medicines like novalgin, ultragin, etc. Analgin-containing drops are very dangerous for all ages.

Dose of Paracetamol: Infants ½ to 1 teaspoon. Children 1-2 teaspoons. Teenagers and adults 1 tablet. Can repeat after 4 hours if required.


Do not starve the baby. Let the baby eat or drink what she likes. The baby may prefer soup, juice, coconut water, rice cunjee with salt or other rice preparations, curds, banana and potatoes. If the baby is being breastfed, continue breastfeeding. The most important medicines for diarrhoea are rice cunjee and water, salt and sugar solution. These help in preventing dehydration by replacing the essential salts lost with the baby's loose motions. In watery diarrhoeas, no other medicines are needed.

You can add lime juice or orange juice for taste. Keep this solution in a refrigerator or cold place and consume as much as possible. For teenagers, aim for 1-2 glasses (200 ml glass) after each loose motion. For younger children aim for ½ to 1 glass after each loose motion. If the child does not keep taking much at a time or tends to vomit, give a few sips every 5-10 minutes day and night. The idea is to ensure enough urine output. Make a fresh solution after 24 hours. Wherever possible, boil the water and cool it before adding salt and sugar. Though boiled water is preferable, it is not essential. Once the solution is ready, do not boil it.

Note that if the patient is passing blood or mucus in stools, he should immediately consult a doctor since he may need other medicines as well. Normally, thriving breastfed babies sometimes pass frequent watery motions. This is not diarrhoea and does not need any treatment.

Juices for all Occasions

Fat-free fruit juices that can substitute the meals of the day.

The juice extracted from any fruit is not only refreshing but also a substitute to a complete meal. It is easily digestible, fat-free, without cholesterol, and therefore a very healthy diet alternative in these fast-paced times. Here are a few special juice recipes that are recommended for different times of the day.

Breakfast Special

An energy-packed alternative to a full breakfast

10 strawberries.
1 banana
1 cup yoghurt.
2 cups of orange juice.
2 tablespoons honey.

Blend the strawberries along with the banana and yoghurt. Then add the orange juice and honey and blend once again. Serve immediately. You may use sugar instead of honey, depending on taste.

Mid-Morning Special

A smooth thick juice that can well replace a snack.

1 cup milk
2 bananas
2 cups of pear juice.
1 cup blueberries.
A pinch of cinnamon powder.
2 tablespoons honey/sugar.

Blend the bananas along with the milk and pear juice, until the combination is smooth. Then add the blueberries, cinnamon powder and honey/sugar and blend once again. Serve immediately.

Late Afternoon Special

Early evenings are very tempting snack times. Have this special juice.

½ cup cherry juice.
½ cup ginger juice.
3 cups cold soda.
4 teaspoons lime juice.
4 tablespoons sugar.
4 lime slices.
Crushed ice.

Mix the ginger juice along with the cherry juice and limejuice. Add sugar to this and keep stirring until it dissolves completely. Fill the bottoms of your glasses with crushed ice and pour this juice on top of it. Then add the soda and garnish with slices of lime.

Health Special

A classic special that is highly nutritious and energizing. You could have it instead of lunch or dinner.

1 cup yoghurt.
1 cup orange juice.
1 1/2 bananas.
3 strawberries.
7 tablespoons wheatgerm.
4 tablespoons blackstrap molasses.

First blend the orange juice and yoghurt together in a food processor. Then add the bananas and strawberries. Blend for just a few more seconds. Then add the wheatgerm and blackstrap molasses and blend until all the ingredients are smooth.

Summer Special

An exotic summer cooler.

4 cups orange juice.
½ cup cherry juice.
2 tablespoons honey.
½ teaspoon pepper powder.
Salt to taste.

Mix the cherry juice with the orange juice, honey, red pepper and salt. Stir it well until the honey and salt are completely dissolved. Serve chilled.

Winter Delight

A hot and spicy winter special.

2 cups orange juice.
6 cups pineapple juice.
8 cloves.
A cinnamon stick.
4 tablespoons honey.

Heat the orange juice, pineapple juice, honey, cloves and cinnamon stick in a pan. Give it one boil and then let it simmer for 20 minutes. Strain out the cinnamon and cloves and serve hot steaming mugs of this unique concoction.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Home remedies for treatment of cough.

Soak almonds overnight. Remove their skin. Make a paste of these almonds with little butter and sugar. Very useful for a dry cough.

Hot tea with lemon and raspberry jam, drink as much as possible. Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for cough relief

For Back
Combine 3 tbs. lemon juice, 1 cup honey, and 1/4 cup warm water. Take 1-2 tbs. as needed.

home remedy treatment for Tired Eyes

Boil some tea in a little water and let it cool. Dip 2 gauzes in this brew and place the gauzes on each eye for 15 minutes. Make sure you keep dipping the cotton wads into the liquid, as soon as gauzes dry up. Effective treatment for tired eyes

For tired eyes, wash them with cold water, several times a day. This treatment reduces inflammation, moisturizers the skin /tissues, relaxes the eyes & provides relief from eyestrain & fatigue.

Lavender oil offers gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. Add a drop of lender oil to 500 ml (2 ½ cups) of water and shake the solution well.

Dip two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out the excess water and place one pad over each eye.

Cold Sore - also known as fever blister

Causes of Cold Sore:
Cold sores are painful, fluid-filled tiny blisters that appear on the lips and around the nose. They usually appear in association with a cold-hence the name. It is caused by one of two highly contagious viruses:Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. When the body is stressed, or its immune system is compromised, the body becomes an easy attack of this virus.

When you have it, avoid irritating it further with acidic or salty food. There are a lot of over-the-counter painkillers like any of these generic names: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Paracetamol.Benzocaine is a kind of anesthetic agent, and using creams with benzocaine greatly eases the pain from cold sores.

Herpes simplex virus is very contagious. Avoid using the same cups, plates, towels, with others and avoid skin-to-skin contact.

The herbal antiseptics Sage and Tea Tree Oil and the herbal sedative Violet have each been suggested as treatments for cold sores. Please remember that herbal treatments must be used appropriately, and therefore should only be used in response to a recommendation by a health care professional.

home remedies for treatment of sinus headaches

Dip a small towel in cold water, rinse, and apply to forehead. Once the towel gets warm, flip it to the other side, or dip it into cold water again.

Lying down, in a dark room, maybe getting a 1/2 hour of sleep,will always make you feel better.

A decoction of half a teaspoon mustard seeds powder and three teaspoons water, if instilled in the nostrils, redresses migraine.

The juice of ripe grapes is an effective home remedy for a migraine.
For a sinus headache, eat a jalapeno pepper as soon as possible. Within minutes your sinuses will start to drain and the sinus headache will subside.

A peppermint steam inhalation provides quick relief for sinus headaches. Peppermint acts as a decongestant, and the combination of warm steam and the essential oil is doubly effective for opening up the sinuses.

Mix 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (called dalchini in India) in 1 teaspoon water and apply on the forehead. It is very effective in headache due to exposure to cold air.

Make a paste from dry ginger with a little water or milk, apply to the forehead for sinus relief.

Grind 10-15 Basil leaves with 4 cloves and 1 teaspoon dried ginger into a paste and apply to forehead for sinus cure.

For a painful sinus headache, try a hot footbath along with a cold compress on the forehead

Natural Home remedies for Baldness

Try this cure for baldness : Boil 1 cup mustard oil with 4 tablespoon henna leaves. Filter and bottle. Massage on the bald patches regularly.

Grind 1/2 lime seeds, and 1/2 black pepper, apply to bald patches regularly. Helpful home remedy to cure baldness

Scrub the bald area with onions till it becomes red. Follow up by applying honey over patch.

Rub on the scalp with 1 teaspoon oil in which raw mangoes have been preserved for over one year. Repeat treatment frequently.

Tips & home remedies for bleeding gums

With a pinch of salt soaked in a glass of lukewarm water, you now create a homemade saline solution. Use this to rinse in the morning and in the evening. This will help increase circulation in your gums and reduce the swelling.

No matter how well and how often you brush your teeth, you can't reach the areas between your teeth and below the gums. Make the habit of flossing. Floss comes in very handy. Keep one in your bag or at your office. After meal, floss it!

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Lara Dutta from Bhagam Bhag .avi video format




Sunday, February 18, 2007

sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth is usually caused by exposed dentin, the layer next to the enamel. A lot of things can cause dentin to be exposed. One most common is improper toothbrushing method. Too much pressure applied during toothbrushing using a hard bristled toothbrush causes abrasion on the enamel layer, exposing the dentin layer beneath it. Most common example of this is cervical abrasions, found in the "neck" portion of the tooth crown. The tooth can also be bruised or abraded from dntal instrumentations, especially after a restorative procedure. Accidental biting on hard substances can also bruised the tooth. Another cause of tooth sensitivity is exposure of the root portion of the tooth due to gingival recession.

Pain from sensitive teeth is not always constant. It can come and go. Constant pain could be a sign of a more serious problem. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your dentist to determine the cause and proper treatment.

Depending on the diagnosis, your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments to relieve the symptoms of sensitive teeth:

A soft-bristle toothbrush.A special sensitive teeth toothpaste which can either block access to the nerve or make the nerve itself less sensitive.

A fluoride rinse or sensitive teeth gel, recommended by your dentist.

A sensitivity protection toothpaste usually takes several weeks to ease pain. Follow the instructions of your dental professional on the regular use of sensitivity protection toothpaste to keep pain from returning

Some sensitive teeth toothpaste or sensitive teeth gel can be used on your regular tooth brushing schedules

Knee Pain

Knee pains is not something unusual. It is experienced by people of all ages at some point or the other. It is becomes a dangerous affliction when it is ignored over a period of time, as sometimes minor knee and joint pains could be the beginning of something serious that leave the sufferer impaired.

Usually knee pain emantes from excessive wear and tear of the knees without giving it the required amount of exercise; also obesity leads to weak knees as the knees are burdened by the exssecive weight of the individual. Knee pain can also be caused when one does not take proper care when exercising, such as doing warming up exercisies and cooling down routines. One must also take utmost care when stretching.

Apart from this knee pain could also be a result of ailments such as Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendinitis, Bakers Cyst, torn or damaged ligaments or cartilage strains or a sprain or dislocation of the knee caused by a fall or accident. One could also experience a knee pain if there is an infection in the joint.

The most ideal prevention for knee pains is giving the leg an adequate amount of rest. And if in case one suffers from any of the above listed knee pain causes then they should rub ice on the effected area for a about fifteen minutes, at least four to five times a day. Prevention is better than cure and so one must take utmost care when it comes to over usage of the knees, especially weak knees.

What are homeopathic remedies ?

Homeopathy is a curative sciences that is based on three principles namely, Like Cures Like,Administration of Minimal Dosage, Only Implementation of a Single Remedy. It is on the basis of these principles that homoeopathy is more or less a preferred form of medicine. It is in fact stated to be the second most used system of medicine in the world after allopathic.

A homeopathic practitioner when diagnosing an ailment does not only look at the externals of the patient. It is not just about the aches or pains as experienced, but also the mental and emotional state of the patient.

Homeopathy entails the entire state of the patient, so as to find a permanent cure for the problem at hand. It is a preferred form of medicine as far as babies and mothers to be is concerned as the Homeopathic remedies depend on natural ingredients. Also this form of remedy has minimal side effects.

Allopathic is supposedly base on the need to suppress an illness. For instance, if one suffers from a rash, the allopathic doctor attempts to suppress the rash with the prescription of medicines, rather than removing it from the source. However, in the case of Homeopathy, it is based on removing the affliction completely. Another factor is that Homeopathic remedies are not addictive, unlike in the case of allopathic pills and syrups.

One of the major shortfalls of Homeopathic medication is that it sometimes entails a long process as far as treatment is concerned. Patients are known to have become impatient and discontinued their medication, mid-way into treatment. But the reason for this is that Homeopathic remedies are prescribed with the aim of scooping out the root of the ailment, which is a long process. In spite of this Homeopathic treatment is regarded as the safest form of medication all over the world.

Information on herbs

Herbs are a gift from nature. They include leaves, bark, berries, roots, gums, seeds, stems and flowers. They have been used for thousands of years to help maintain good health.

Information on growing herbs: Growing your own herbs for fresh use in salads, soups, casseroles, dips and stews, to mention a few, has become quite popular. This has followed the realization that fresh, unlike dried, herbs have a more distinctive taste used fresh right out of the garden. Raising herbs is quite simple. Typically they take little space and herbs can be planted as companion plants in an existing bed or in containers, and can be placed most anywhere in the landscape or outdoor living area. Additionally, many common herbs are quite attractive and demand little regarding pest control and maintenance. Harvesting herbs is best done when the flower buds are just beginning to form, and always before they open. At this stage, the oils are at their highest concentration. The time of day to harvest also makes a difference. This should be done in the morning after the dew has gone and before the sun gets too hot. The heat causes the oils to evaporate from the leaves, lowering their smell and flavor. If washing is necessary, use cold water for the same reason. On the other hand, many good cooks pick their herbs when they need them.

stomach pains and stomach aches

Home Remedies for stomach pains and stomach aches :

01 Take 30 grams of pomegranate seeds, sprinkle salt and add a pinch of black pepper. Chew them well and swallow.

02. Take 2 grams of oregano seeds, 2 grams of cumin seeds and 2 grams of rock salt. Make a fine powder and squeeze half a lemon on it. Swallow the mixture with a glass of lukewarm water.

03. For intestine troubles eat 2 ripe bananas with 250 grams of yoghurt daily for a week. Avoid fried or spiced food and fat.

Throat Problems


Tonsils do the job of a watchman. Their role is to warn the body about a possible infection. The tonsils, located at the back of the throat, trap the infection that enters through the mouth and attempts to localize it in the throat. The symptoms of tonsillitis are a sore throat, and red and swollen tonsils that may have white patches on them.

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to deal with the infection. Ice cream and cold liquids will soothe your child's throat. Earlier, it was quite common to have a child's tonsils removed. Today, a tonsillectomy is only considered if a child has severe and frequent attacks leading to ear infection and deafness. Tonsillitis can lead to middle ear infection and chronic deafness.

Feeding Problems

Feeding Problems

A common problem that seems to be the bane of most parents can be classified as a habit disorder. It takes the form of food fads, indigestion, excessive or no appetite, or even a perverted appetite where the child will eat just about anything he can lay his hands on. But did you know that the root cause of this problem is emotional instability?

Have you noticed that your emotional state of mind is directly related to your digestive functions? When you are nervous or tense you tend to lose your appetite and when you have nothing much to do, your hunger pangs seem to be active and this is the time that you could overindulge. The same goes for your child. When he or she is facing a test or an examination, he finds it very difficult to eat. Not only this, sometimes the bowel movements get activated too. The reverse is also true. A hungry child is also an irritated child and will not be able to concentrate on his studies. On the other hand a well-fed child is quite contented and seems to do his work properly.

When does feeding become a problem?

The basics of food problems generally lie in a strained parent-child relationship. Quite often one sees the maid or one of the parents chasing the child around the house with a spoon and a bowl of food. Sometimes playing 'catching cook' when it is actually the cook who seems to be doing the catching. This is not the way to go around feeding the child. The child should be taught to have a little respect for food, and made to sit down in the right place and eat however much he or she wants to eat. You can not and should not force a child to eat more than he can. If he is full and you are trying to force him, he is bound to run away.

Sometimes a child may not like a certain food, or may not be in the mood to eat it at that particular time. It is best to leave him alone for awhile and let him have his way occasionally. If you create an unpleasant scene each time he does not want something, he will begin to dread mealtimes or worse still use it as a weapon against you when he wants to upset you. Or he may even begin to dislike that food item completely. If you leave him be, he may automatically begin to eat it at a later stage. You must remember that your child can not stay hungry and will ask you for something to eat sooner or later. You must keep a lot of healthy snacks ready for your growing child.

Simple solutions

There was a case of a young boy who ate nothing but rice and pulses. His worried mother took him to a child-guidance clinic, where they advised her not to force him to eat, as he seemed quite fit and healthy. Instead, they advised him to take part in a lot of outdoor activities. One day, he returned from a ten-day camp, having eaten three meals a day consisting of various vegetables, fruits and all kinds of pulses.

Some families see each other only at dinnertime. At this point parents try to find out everything that the child did at school, his grades, etc. They might even discuss unpleasant things that happened at work, or argue, making the child feel uncomfortable. Mealtimes are not the right time to pull up your child for his studies and make him lose his appetite. That can be done later. An extremely nervous child will find it difficult to swallow and might even suffer from nausea. You must try to make your mealtimes pleasant for the full family. Have light, pleasant conversation and play some good music in the background. Music is known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and will help to digest the food better. You may discuss the good things that have happened in your day and try to make your child feel secure and loved to help him grow into a satisfied and contented human being.

Last but not the least; always maintain a routine for the child to follow. Mealtimes should be fixed from the beginning. In this way, the child automatically gets hungry around that time, and eats to his and your satisfaction. Sometimes when parents come home late or have to go out early, the child's food timings can go haywire. This should be avoided, as the child should be taught self-discipline and respect for food by sticking to a routine. If these basics tips are followed, no parent need complain of feeding problems anymore.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Home Remedies for Obesity.

Obesity may be described as a condition characterized by excessive
deposition or storage of fat in the body. It usually results from
consumption of food in excess of physiological needs.

Obesity is a serious health hazard as the extra fat puts a strain on the
heart, kidneys, and liver as well as the large weight-bearing joints such
as the hips, knees, and ankles, all of which shortens the life span. It has
been truly said: "The longer the belt, the shorter the life. Overweight
persons are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis,
heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver, and
gall-bladder disorders.

Most often, the chief cause of obesity is overeating, that is, the intake
of calories beyond the body's energy requirement Some people have a
habit of consuming high-calorie foods. Obesity is rarely the result of
disturbances of the thyroid or pituitary glands. Glandular disorders
account for only about two per cent of the total incidence.
Lime Juice-Honey:
Fasting on lime juice-honey water is highly beneficial in the treatment
of obesity. In this mode of treatment, one teaspoon of fresh honey
should be mixed with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm
water and taken at regular intervals.

The leaves of jujube or Indian plum are another valuable remedy for
obesity. A handful of leaves should be soaked overnight in water and
this water should be taken in the morning, preferably on an empty
stomach. This treatment should be continued for at least one month to
achieve beneficial results.

Cabbage is considered to be an excellent home remedy for obesity.
Recent research has revealed that a valuable chemical called tartaric
acid is present in this vegetable which inhibits the conversion of sugar
and other carbohydrates into fat Hence, it is of great value in weight
reduction. Substituting a meal with cabbage salad would be the
simplest way to stay slim.

Tomatoes are valuable in obesity. One or two ripe tomatoes taken early
morning as a substitute for breakfast, for a couple of months, are
considered a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the
food elements essential to preserve health.
Natural Home

Other effective Remedies for Asthma

* During the attack, mustard oil mixed with little camphor should be massaged over the back of the
chest. This will loosen up phelgm and ease breathing.

* The patient should also inhale steam from the boiling water mixed with caraway seeds. It will dilate
the bronchial passage.

* The patient should also follow the other laws of Nature. Air, sun and water are great healing agents.
Regular fasting once a week, an occasional enema, breathing exercises, fresh air, dry climate, light
exercises and correct posture go a long way in treating the disease.

* Asthmatics should always eat less than their capacity. They should eat slowly, chewing their food
properly. They should drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day, but should avoid taking water or any
liquid with meals. Spices, chillies and pickles, too much tea and coffee should also be avoided.

Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

Asthma Treatment with
Aloe Vera
If you suffer from asthma,
boil some of the aloe Vera
leaves in a pan of water and
inhale the vapors. Put a
towel over the head and pan
to get the full effects of the

Asthma Treatment with
Add 1 tablespoon each of
coltsfoot, mullein, thyme,
and lobelia to 2 cups of
water. Simmer at least half
hour, covered. Strain and
add 2 cups of honey. Take
by the tablespoon until relief
is obtained. Flavoring, such
as oil of peppermint, may be
added if desired.

Asthma Treatment with
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is very good
for treating asthma attacks,
as it contains an ingredient
that dilates the bronchial
tubes. Cook and mash
cranberries. Place in a
tightly closed glass container
and refrigerate. When
needed during an attack,
add 3 teaspoons of the
mashed cranberries to a cup
of hot water. Sip while the
water is hot.

Asthma Treatment with
Honeysuckle Tea
Many people drink
honeysuckle tea to help with
chronic asthma.Put 1
tablespoon of the grated
root of honeysuckle in 1 cup
of water. Boil gently for 10
minutes. Strain and sweeten.
Drink daily.

Asthma Treatment with
Add several tablespoons of
freshly grated horseradish to
1 cup of milk. Simmer for 10
minutes and strain. Drink as
necessary to obtain relief.

Natural Home Remedies for Cataract

Cataract is a common eye disease. A cataract refers to an area of
the lens of a person's eye that has become whitish and opaque
instead of remaining clear. The result is that the person cannot
see clearly.
The crystalline lens, through which light travels into the interior of
the eye, is situated just behind the iris or colored portion of the
eye. In cataract, this lens becomes opaque, hence, seriously
hampering the entrance of light into the eye. Blindness ensues
when no light rays can permeate the opacity of the lens.

The first sign of cataract is blurred vision. The patient finds it
difficult to see things in focus. As the disease progresses, the
patient may get double vision or spots, or both. At first, vision in
twilight may be better than in full daylight since light is admitted
round the more widely-dilated pupil in the dark. In the advanced
stage, objects and persons may appear as mere blobs of light, and
there is a grayish-white discoloration in the pupil.

There are three factors which contribute to the loss of
transparency of the lens. These are deterioration in the nutrition
of the lens which diminishes the vitality and resistance of the
delicate lens fibres;, deposits of acids and salts between the lens
fibres which have an irritating effect on the lens tissues and exert
an increasing pressure on its delicate fibres, gradually destroying
them; and disintegration of lens fibres which cloud the entire lens
in the absence of appropriate measures.

As in the case of most diseases, poisons in the blood stream due to
dietetic errors and a faulty style of living, are the real cause of
cataract The toxic matter in the blood stream spreads throughout
the body to find shelter in any available weak spot. It strikes the
lens if it has become weak through strain, excessive use of the
eyes, and local irritation. The condition becomes worse with the
passage of time and then a cataract starts developing. Other
causes of cataract are stress and strain; excessive intake of
alcoholic drinks, sugar, and salt; smoking; certain physical ailments
such as gastro-intestinal or gall-bladder disturbances; diabetes;
vitamin deficiencies; fatty acid intolerance; ageing; radiation;
side-effects of drugs that have been prescribed for other diseases.

Herbs for Diabetes

Natural Diabetes Treatment with Gymnema (Gymnema
has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat
diabetes. It enhances the production of insulin by the
pancreas, improves blood-sugar control, and helps to
decrease blood sugar, trigylcerides, and cholesterol.
Gymnema even appears to help regenerate the pancreas and
is effective for both Type I and Type II diabetes. It has no
harmful side effects, but if you are taking gymnema, be sure
to tell your health-care practitioner because it can decrease
your need for diabetic drugs. Take 200 milligrams twice a day.

Natural Diabetes Treatment with Bilberry (Vaccinium
is helpful for preventing and treating diabetic
retinopathy, an eye condition common in diabetics that can
cause blindness. Bilberry helps to strengthen the small blood
vessels and prevents breakage. The active compounds in
bilberry, called anthocyanosides, are especially beneficial for
the blood vessels of the eye and improve circulation to the
retina. Take between 80 and 160 milligrams of an extract
standardized for 25 percent anthocyanidins three times per

Natural Diabetes Treatment with Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
helps to strengthen the blood vessels, making them more
flexible and less likely to break. In addition, ginkgo improves
blood flow to the extremities, making it very helpful for
improving the poor circulation that often occurs with
diabetes. Take an extract standardized for 24 percent ginkgo
flavoglycosides, 40 to 80 milligrams three times per day.

Home Remedies for Diabetes.

Diabetes is characterized by an abnormally high level of blood
glucose and by the excretion of the excess glucose in the
urine. It results from an absolute or relative lack of insulin
which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism as
well as in the metabolism of protein and fat.

The most commonly-used screening tests are the
determination of the fasting blood glucose level and the blood
glucose level tested two hours after a meal. The normal
fasting blood sugar content is 8O -120 mg per 100 ml of blood;
this can go up to a level of 160 mg per 100 ml of blood two
hours after meals. Anything above these levels can be termed
as diabetic levels. Diabetes is common among older, obese

A diabetic feels hungry and thirsty most of the time, does not
put on weight, and gets tired easily, both physically and
mentally. He looks pale, and may suffer from anaemia,
constipation, intense itching around the genital organs,
palpitations, and general weakness. He feels drowsy and has a
lower sex urge than a normal person.

Diabetes has been described as a prosperity disease, primarily
caused by overeating and consequent obesity. Not only is the
overeating of sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but an
excessive intake of proteins and fats, which are transformed
into sugar if taken in excess, may also result in diabetes. Grief,
worry, and anxiety also have a deep influence on the
metabolism and may cause sugar to appear in the urine.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Home Remedies & Information On Bladder Infections

Bladder infection (cystisis) occurs when bacteria enters the urinary tract and infects the urethra and the bladder. This disease is common among women.

The urinary bladder, or simply the bladder, is an organ that collects urine from the kidneys before expelled by urination. When the bladder is stretched, a muscle, called the detrusor muscle, contracts. This process of contraction stimulates the bladder to expel urine via the urethra. The urethra is the tube that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body.

Symptoms of bladder infection include slow or jolting pains. The infection can be mild. A mild bladder infection may be characterized by a slight irritation of the bladder. This irritation may be annoying but is usually not painful.

The bladder infections result in the inflammation of the bladder's inner lining caused by the bacteria. Women have short urethra's that are close to the anus and vagina, providing an easier access for bacteria inside the urinary system. Men may also contract bladder infection via a prostrate problem.

Stress, poor diet and lack of nutrition all cause the body's immune system to be weakened. A weakened immune system generally can lead to repeated bouts of infection.

To avoid bladder infection, one should observe proper hygiene. To keep the genital area warm, one is advised to wear comfortable underwear, usually made of cotton cloth. To further prevent bladder infection, individuals should not suppress or hold urine for any period of time. One should urinate as soon as one feels the urge to do so.

Bladder infections can be cured with high doses of vitamin C. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid increases the urine's acidity. An acidic condition makes it unlikely for bacteria to settle and reproduce. For repeated bouts of bladder infection, Vitamins A and E are highly recommended for individuals who experience recurring bouts of bladder infection. Vitamin E facilitates the supply of oxygen to the cells and prevents the scarring due to bladder inflammation. Vitamin A and beta-carotene are maintain stability in the mucus membranes lining the bladder walls. Colloidal Silver can also be used to prevent this from repeating it self.

Home Remedies For Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Diet plays a very important role either in aggravating or subsiding PMS problems. Eat complex carbohydrates such as whole grain breads, pasta and cereals, fiber and protein. Cut down on your sugar and fat intake.

Start avoiding salt for the last few days before your period start as it would reduce bloating and fluid retention.

Avoid caffeine in any form as it makes you less irritable and also eases breast soreness.

Alcohol is no savior in such times as it depresses you even further.

Drink plenty of warm water, coconut, raisins, papaya and sweet juicy fruits.

Get a relaxing massage. Use unscented lotion or massage oil onto your palms and add 1 or 2 drop of essential oil of clary sage, chamomile, geranium, lavender or orange blossom. After mixing this mixture in your hand, massage it on your aching abdomen or lower back.

Turn vegetarian and increase your diet with fiber as it helps remove excess estrogens. Also consume magnesium rich diet like millet, buckwheat and barley.

Keep exercising and remain fit. Exercise helps in better functioning of the brain which keeps you in good mood.

Get a mineral bath as it would keep your muscles relaxed and at ease. In a tubful of warm water add 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup baking soda to. Soak yourself into it for 20 minutes.

Live a stress-free life, to get through this PMS problem more easily.

Do not lose your romantic touch try to have a normal sex life because the intercourse stimulates the blood which otherwise remains sluggish and lethargic.

Have smaller meals to keep your blood sugar level steady and also prevents the craving for sweets.

Avoid saturated fats like red meat, cheese and butter as it increases the bad prostaglandins level causing uterine discomfort, bloating and mood swings.

Suffering from cramps, drink a cup or two of red raspberry leaf tea. For bloating drink a cup or two of dandelion tea. If suffering from both drink both teas.

Use oils like evening primrose, borage, flax seed and pumpkin seed which contain Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). These acids are changed into 'good' prostaglandin in the body. You can have primrose oil daily 3 to 6 grams. You can also use one tablespoon flaxseed oil for salad dressing.

Chaste tree berry (Vitex agnus castus) is an herb, used immensely to reduce PMS problems. Take 10 drops of chaste tree berry extract every morning from mid-cycle until your period begins. It may take a nearly three months to see the results.

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is a Chinese herb used widely for PMS. It contains phytoestrogens and is a good hormone balancer. It helps relieve pain and also uterine cramps. Have 3 to 4 ml of Dong quai tincture three times a day during the second half of your cycle. Before consuming this herb you should keep in mind that it produces photosensitivity and should not be used if you have heavy menstrual flow or are pregnant, as it increases the flow.

Use light therapy to ease PMS symptoms. The idea is to sit in front of a therapeutic light box for 20 to 45 minutes a day. Any ordinary light would not do, you have to buy this light box to get the right results.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Easing Menstrual Cramps By Using Home Remedies

Menstruation is a common occurrence in every woman's life. Unwanted pain and cramps are part and parcel of this occurrence. It is like meeting a guest you do not want to see in your life. These cramps may not stay for long. But the little time it stays, surely leaves an impact. If this pain continues for more than 48 hours it is better to consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can use some of these measures to save yourself from the recurring nightmare.

- Herbal home remedies to treat Menstrual Cramps problem

Exercising is one of the easiest ways to ward off this problem. Walking helps in reducing menstrual cramps because it improves circulation of pelvic organs. While walking, do not strain yourself; walk in a relaxed fashion by moving your arms and hips freely.

A warm bath or a heating pad may just do the trick. Keep the heating pad on the small of your back. It relaxes the muscle spasms and also alleviates cramping pain.

If you are planning to move out in cold weather, see to it, that you are wearing a warm jacket that covers your hips. The heat of the jacket relaxes your pelvic muscles by keep it warm.

Gingerroot tea can relieve menstrual cramps. Simmer handful gingerroot, cut in slices for 15 minutes. Let it cool to drink later.

Calcium helps to prevent menstrual cramps as it maintains the normal muscle tone. During menses muscles that lack calcium tend to become hyperactive causing cramps. Therefore increasing calcium helps in reducing menstrual cramps. Try to consume 800 milligrams a day which nearly equals three cups of milk.

Magnesium increases body's calcium absorption capacity, therefore reducing menstrual cramps. Foods that possess properties are beans, whole grains such as buckwheat and whole wheat flour, salmon, shrimp, tofu, vegetables and nuts.

Holistic and relaxation techniques like acupuncture may help in clearing menstrual problems.

Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) is one of the most ancient and useful herbs used to treat menstrual cramps. It helps in easing severe cramps that causes nausea, vomiting and sweaty chills.

Black cohosh is another ancient medicine used for relieving menstrual cramps. It can be taken in several forms including crude plant, dried root, or rhizome, or as a solid, dry powdered extract. The recommended amount is 20-40 mg twice per day and to be continued for six months.

Blue cohosh is completely different from black cohosh. This too, has been used traditionally to ease painful menstrual periods. Generally taken in tincture form one should not drink more than 1-2 ml three times a day. Once you become pregnant, stop using this herb, as it may cause heart problems in your child.

False unicorn is mostly taken as a tincture, 2-5ml three times per day. You can consume dried root 1-2 grams thrice daily. It is usually taken with other herbs that help female reproductive organs.

Have a tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel with two pinches of black pepper thrice a day. This will help too.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies For Back Pain

Back pain can be relieved in number of ways. For usual cases rest regiment combined with cold/hot compresses, therapy, exercise and pain medications is very effective way to relieve back pain.

Rest is needed in order to give your back time to heal if you suffer acute lower back pain. However, try to be active as much as possible, without doing even more damage. Standing up and moving around the room or house will ease much of the stiffness, provide better blood circulation for your back and thus worm the injured area.

Use cold/hot compresses. Use them each on its own or combined (cold/hot regimen), in either way this is one of the best and fastest way to relieve your back pain. Heat relaxes the back muscles and improves circulation by dilating blood vessels. Improved circulation brings more oxygen to the painful area and thus reduces spasm along with pain. Remember not to apply treatment for more then 30 minutes, it can damage the abdominal organs. Do not sleep with heat packs!

Cold compresses are commonly used to ease the inflammation. Most common usage is for arthritis or sports injuries. Cold decreases the blood vessels, reduces blood flow to the affected area and thus reduces inflammation and swelling. As with heat, compresses avoid prolonged usage to avoid frostbite.

Stretching is useful for reducing the stiffness in the lower back, and to sometimes relieve spine compression. In addition, exercise will strengthen your core muscles (back, stomach and buttocks) which will result in a much better support for your spine.

Ask your doctor or better yet your physical therapist to show you how to properly execute those exercises. Properly is the main word here, if you exercise the wrong way you will only do more damage then good.

Massage is often used as a very effective back pain therapy. Massage works in a similar way as the hot compresses do. It stimulates the blood flow to the painful area, thus helping muscles to relax. Do not use untrained or unregistered massage therapists.

Nonprescription medications are another way to ease the back pain. Often they include analgesic medications like Tylenol or Aspirin. Ointments, creams and gels can be used as effective topical analgesics. Some examples of those are Ben Gay, Zostrix and Icy Hot.

You can also use other anti-inflammatory medications like Advil or Motrin (contain ibuprofen), Orudis and Actron (ketoprofen) and Aleve (naproxen sodium). If these prove ineffective visit your doctor, ho/she can prescribe a stronger pain-relieving drug if necessary.

However, if the pain does not subside in a week or if you experience any other symptoms like fever, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of bowel movement control, numbness in groin or legs visit your doctor right away.

Some common natural home remedies

Some common natural home remedies for Backache, Sore throat, Snoring and Whooping Cough


A patient enquires: How can I get rid of backache, which has become my constant companion?

Backache may be due to many reasons. Disorders, which cause it, should be tackled first. Gout, constipation, a wrong posture and menstrual disorders of women can cause backache. If the pain persists even after these maladies have been cured, hot fomentation and massaging the affected part can help because in that case the ache may be due to accumulation of excess blood in the lumber region. Hot fomentation and massage will dispel the blood and give relief.

Whooping cough

A whooping cough patient should do away from all foods, which produce phlegm like milk, ghee, sweets, rice, refined flour products, sugar and lentils. His diet should consist of oranges, muskmelon, tomatoes and raspberry. Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, gourds, should be taken in a boiled from without addition of any condiments. Whole meal bread and roasted potatoes could also be given. The patient should be encouraged to fast for a couple of days with the onset of the symptoms of whooping cough. The fasting period should be followed by a week of living on oranges only.

Another precaution is to see that the child does not develop costiveness.

Sore throat

A sore throat is usually the result of a chill. Milk, and milk products are harmful in such a condition. Take a glass of lukewarm water with a spoonful of honey in the morning and before sleep at night. Apply a cold compress to the throat and cover the compress with a woolen cloth. For a week take only bread, vegetables and fruits.


Someone writes: I since loudly during my sleep and find it inconvenient for those sharing the room with me and embarrassing for myself. How can I get rid of it?

Persons who generally sleep in a supine position throughout are liable to snore. Try sleeping on your side. That will reduce the severity of snoring.

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