Sunday, February 25, 2007
Natural home remedies for gout
It's the Cherries
The one remedy that everyone seems to agree is very effective-cherries! Eat them fresh or frozen. Also, drink cherry juice daily. You can get pure juice (concentrate) at health food stores.
Other Remedies
Soak your gouty foot in comfrey tea .
A Russian remedy is raw garlic-two cloves a day. The best way to take raw garlic is to mince the cloves, put them in water (better yet, in cherry juice) and drink them down. Chewing is not necessary. The garlic will not linger on your breath. It may repeat on youbut then, so does a salami sandwich, and this is a lot healthier.
NOTE: Eat garlic with a few sprigs of parsley to decrease repeating and smelly breath.
* Eating strawberries and very little else for a few days is said to be a possible cure for gout. Strawberries are a powerful alkalizer and contain calcium, iron and an ingredient known as salacin, which soothes inflammatory conditions. It worked so well for 18th-century botanist Carl Linnaeus (who developed the modem system for classifying plants) that he referred to strawberries as "a blessing of the gods."
* Take safflower in capsule form to aid the healing process.
* Extract ½ a cup of juice of French beans (String beans). Drink this juice everyday for a month.
* Devil's Claw : Relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Acts as a diuretic, sedative, and digestive stimulant.
* Apply elm leaf tea to affected area for pain and inflammation.
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