Thursday, February 22, 2007
Pamie Forte from Carrollton, Ohio writes; "I have a tip for you and I can vouch personally that this one will work immediately. I have had a few terrible bladder infections over the years including so severe that I was bleeding. The pain is unbearable. An obviously bad infection. Since that was the case and the mucus needed removed out of the bladder I thought I would use organic vinegar. Instantly, the first time I urinated, the bladder was cleaned out and the pain gone. On the very first set of pain when urinating, use natural vinegar. 1 Tablespoon and 1/2 teaspoon Salt to an eight ounce glass of water and drink it all down at once. Once you urinate a great relief will come. I have used this over and over again and I swear it works and very soothing not to mention healing." Thanks so much for sharing Pamie! Raychel writes; "I was reading your home remedies site. The "cure" for bladder infections (vinegar) is actually counter productive, and can actually cause a bladder infection. Even doctors will tell you to stay away from vinegary foods when you have a urinary tract infection. However, cranberry juice is a VERY effective solution. Believe it or not, a lil cranberry juice goes a LONG way." Thanks Raychel! Here is a cranberry remedy for bladder infections, better known as cystitis; Take a bag of fresh or frozen cranberries and boil them in water until they fall a part. Don't add sugar! Cool and drink as much as you can each and every day. This will also keep the infection at bay if you drink a glass a day. Another good old time remedy is to take a bunch of parsley leaves and boil in water for a few minutes. Let stand until cool and then drink. Don't add sugar!
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