Saturday, February 17, 2007

Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

Asthma Treatment with
Aloe Vera
If you suffer from asthma,
boil some of the aloe Vera
leaves in a pan of water and
inhale the vapors. Put a
towel over the head and pan
to get the full effects of the

Asthma Treatment with
Add 1 tablespoon each of
coltsfoot, mullein, thyme,
and lobelia to 2 cups of
water. Simmer at least half
hour, covered. Strain and
add 2 cups of honey. Take
by the tablespoon until relief
is obtained. Flavoring, such
as oil of peppermint, may be
added if desired.

Asthma Treatment with
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is very good
for treating asthma attacks,
as it contains an ingredient
that dilates the bronchial
tubes. Cook and mash
cranberries. Place in a
tightly closed glass container
and refrigerate. When
needed during an attack,
add 3 teaspoons of the
mashed cranberries to a cup
of hot water. Sip while the
water is hot.

Asthma Treatment with
Honeysuckle Tea
Many people drink
honeysuckle tea to help with
chronic asthma.Put 1
tablespoon of the grated
root of honeysuckle in 1 cup
of water. Boil gently for 10
minutes. Strain and sweeten.
Drink daily.

Asthma Treatment with
Add several tablespoons of
freshly grated horseradish to
1 cup of milk. Simmer for 10
minutes and strain. Drink as
necessary to obtain relief.

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