Sunday, February 18, 2007

Knee Pain

Knee pains is not something unusual. It is experienced by people of all ages at some point or the other. It is becomes a dangerous affliction when it is ignored over a period of time, as sometimes minor knee and joint pains could be the beginning of something serious that leave the sufferer impaired.

Usually knee pain emantes from excessive wear and tear of the knees without giving it the required amount of exercise; also obesity leads to weak knees as the knees are burdened by the exssecive weight of the individual. Knee pain can also be caused when one does not take proper care when exercising, such as doing warming up exercisies and cooling down routines. One must also take utmost care when stretching.

Apart from this knee pain could also be a result of ailments such as Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendinitis, Bakers Cyst, torn or damaged ligaments or cartilage strains or a sprain or dislocation of the knee caused by a fall or accident. One could also experience a knee pain if there is an infection in the joint.

The most ideal prevention for knee pains is giving the leg an adequate amount of rest. And if in case one suffers from any of the above listed knee pain causes then they should rub ice on the effected area for a about fifteen minutes, at least four to five times a day. Prevention is better than cure and so one must take utmost care when it comes to over usage of the knees, especially weak knees.

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